RY Britannia and Nuclear War

uk 75

ACCESS: Above Top Secret
Senior Member
27 September 2006
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Just listened to HM The Queen broadcasting to the nation and Commonwealth reminded me of the revelation some years ago that in the event of WW3 it was planned for the Queen to be on board Britannia sheltering in various Scottish lochs.
At about the same time the thriller Warplan Z had the Queen leading resistance to the zombie apocalypse from Windsor Castle.
Slightly unnerved by all this. But also glad that she is still my Head of State.
No idea what he said, I cannot see that site. Anything funny in it?
I think uk75 may be referring to those cold war plans enabling the British Monarchy to survive and continue post nuclear apocalypse, ie:
podcaster Julie McDowall and her Atomic Hobo series of weekly podcasts on how we prepared for nuclear war. ie this was one episode
on how they purpose build a set of Scottish ferry ships that had a Royal purpose:

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