Russia's TSR2

uk 75

ACCESS: Above Top Secret
Senior Member
27 September 2006
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Watching pictures of Ukrainian SU24s fitted with two Storm Shadows got me daydreaming about how a British imitation of the Su24 might have looked instead of TSR2, F111K or Tornado.

It turns out that the development of the Su24 is worth a closer look

It starts life as a TSR2 style aircraft with liftjets. This is like a classic drawing board Vickers or English Electric proposal. But the Russians built and flew it.

Ever wondered what MRCA might have looked like if it had adopted the F111 side by side seating arrangement and the SU24 obliges.

Whether painted in white or all over camo the Su24 looks like it could have served with the RAF.
I would have said that Russia's TSR2 was the Tu22M.
The Tu22M is *much* bigger, i.e. not even remotely in the same size/capability class, e.g. some of the main TSR2 vs. Tu22M parameters are as follows: 2 vs. 4 crew, 1400 km vs. 2500 km combat range, 4,500 kg vs. 24,000 kg payload capacity. If I were an armchair air chief marshal, I'd call that tactical vs. strategic. If TSR2 were a tack hammer, the Tu22M would be a mallet, and I type this as an admiring fanboy of the TSR2 design.
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A attack version of Tu-28 fiddler , the fusilier
Armed with 4 x ASM of which 2 can be ARM and or 2 X ASM and 2 X LGB
Well now that's an interesting development...

But yes, I agree that weight-wise, an attack-optimized Tu-128, probably with a TFR and bombing avionics/EW suite, and maybe a thicker wing could be that Soviet TSR-2. Planform-wise though an upscaled attack Su-15 would be my pick.

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