Russian X-Planes Book?


ACCESS: Confidential
8 July 2020
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Anyone know anything about or have additional bibliographic data about this book:
Russian X-Planes, Allan Dawes, Key Publishing 2001
It appears to be used as a reference at various times, but nothing found at WorldCat nor Key Publishing...
It was a "bookazine" or standalone magazine - there was one on Stealth at about that time as well. I owned a copy of both, but long gone. Russian X-Planes had a Piotr Butowski article on T-60S I think.
I wonder if it is a typo copied on multiple places and that really this is the reference (also published in 2001):

Paul's right its likely a "bookazine" of some type, also found a reference to a Piotr Butowski article on the T-60S in a 2015? (not sure which month) in an issue of Combat Aircraft magazine
Have the x-plane book above was thinking it was some new book on the subject post 2001
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Maybe you're thinking of this. It has an article by Alan Dawes titled "Russian X" and a Piotr Butowski drawing of the T-60S. Came out late 2000 I believe. 20200811_145056_C.jpg
I have this version of an already mentioned book. It is quite good.

Actually the one posted by Sean is the one I had. I bought it for the Russian article.
There was a second magazine too, both still sit on my shelf.
Interesting to flick through these today and see how everyone thought aviation would progress from the view in 2000.
Plus only £3.45 for a magazine special, lucky if its under a tenner these days!

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