Russian Soviet projects of orbital transport ring systems of the future 1973-1984


life is discovery
16 September 2022
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From magazines Technique for youth. The evolution of the Soviet engineering imagination. TM 4 1973 electromagnetic sling (predecessor of Gerald O Neil's mass accelerator). TM 1 1974 Georgy Pokrovsky's sling asteroid (plagiarized by Dandridge Kole 1964-65). TM 4 1974 - First portfolio of inventions: dumbbell-shaped orbital gravity plane 1970, orbital ring 1970 and sling wheel 1968, discoplane 1970, space carousel 1964, asteroid-pendulum booster 1974. TM 4 1977 Earth orbital necklace of space elevators and orbital modular ring . ТМ 6 1982 Planetary transport ring ОТС or General planetary transport electromagnetic tube. TM 5 1984 - Second portfolio of inventions: 1984 - space transport bridges between continents, plus a planetary transport ring 1982, plus systems from the first portfolio.

Space projects of the future have been created since 1995 by the Republic of Belarus.

These are very interesting topics for discussion.


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