Russian KB & OKB series


Senior Member
26 May 2006
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the KB or (Konstruktorskoye Buro) by English; Design Bureau,was a Russian department for invented and created
a new aircraft,also OKB (Opytnoye Konstruktorskoye Buro) or Experimental Design Bureau,and for the last one,we
have a list from Wikipedia (not completed),but for KB,almost I know only KB-2 & KB-7,who can illuminate us by
more Infos ?.

I can give you more than you ever wanted. Prepare for The Factories, Research and Design Establishments of the Soviet Defence Industry: a Guide, by Keith Dexter and Ivan Rodionov.
Their Database, currently in version 20, contains all factories, construction bureaus and anything even slightly related. Including KBs, OKBs, TsKBs, ...

Side note: OKBs were usually numbered after the factory they were conected to, i.e. OKB-207 was fully named Opytnoye konstruktorskoye buro zavoda 207. When it was relocated, usually it lost its number and was renumbered according to the new factory. KBs could be smaller bureaus or even parts of larger bureau, and there could be more KBs squatting in the same factory, so there were many KB-3s or KB-5s, from different factories and not always numbered. For example:

KB-5 OKB TMZ later KB-5 'OKB im. G.M.Berieva'
KB-6 OKB TMZ later KB-6 'OKB im. G.M.Berieva'
KB-7 OKB TMZ later KB-7 'OKB im. G.M.Berieva'
- three different KBs, parts of OKB TMZ (OKB Taganrozhskogo mekhanicheskego zavoda), formerly OKB-49, later OKB imeni G. M. Berieva.

KB-1 Izhorskogo zavoda - KB-1 of the Izhorsk factory, support for production of armored vehicles, founded in 1939 in Kolpino
KB-2 Izhosrkogo zavoda - KB-1 of the Izhorsk factory, design of bodies for armored vehicles, same.

So any list of KBs will be extremely long, and with Soviet bureaucracy and love of secrecy, hardly complete wastly complicated..
Thank you my dear Aubi,

and from Flieger Revue Extra 81.


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