Russian fighter "104" (1939)


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5 May 2007
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"104" experimental fighter, 1939. Designer - A.M. Izaxon
Engines = 2xM-107, 3-blade props, 2x1650 HP
Max. speed 650 km/h
Span=15 m
length=12.25 m
MTOW=5300 kg
Fuel tank=800 kg

There are more specifications, I just couldn't translate them correctly right now :)

Stated as it is designed by people collected from GULAG in TsKB-29 NKVD.

Source: "Aviatsia & Cosmonavtica" magazine, #4-98


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Excellent.A complete unknown design...

p.s. Is the name written "Izaxon" as you mention it? It reminds me a
Swedish designer with the name Isacson ...
Изаксон or Izakson is a fairly common (presumably Jewish) name in Russia, so not necessarily connected.
overscan said:
Изаксон or Izakson is a fairly common (presumably Jewish) name in Russia, so not necessarily connected.

Yes, you are right, thanks. Should be Alexander M. Izakson. Swedish is Sigurd Izacson. His aircraft's model
was manufactured by Unicraft Models as Blohm & Voss.


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I guess there was a large pool of talent in the Gulags to choose from, most designers who failed seemed to be under the watch of the NKVD. I hope the lack of a production model doesn't indicate the fate of TsKB-29!

Did they produce any other designs or were they a one project team?
overscan said:
He was one of the Pe-2 designers.
Oh, yes but a little bit later. In TzKB-29 (Central Design Bureau) that NKVD formed, they've used the designations
starting with number '100'.
So V.M. Petlyakov began to design high-altitude fighter "100". He worked hard it and his work ended
in construction of Pe-2.
V.M.Myasishchyev began to work at the plane "102". Which later came out as long-range high-altitude
bomber DVB-102
A.N.Tupolev has designed the plane "103" which later is know diver Tu-2
A.M.Isakson has designed number "104" But due to a member of reasons /overmodernality of design and
overloading of it, it ended with nothing.
Later all these designers including S.P. Korolyev worked the Pe-2 and Pe-3 aircrafts.

And at the end the aircraft 104 was going to Tu-2 as all
weather fighter.
hesham said:

And at the end the aircraft 104 was going to Tu-2 as all
weather fighter.

Pardon me? Hesham, please read last Borovik's post.

Regarding those number designations - sharashka prisoners were working in so-called STOs (spetzial'ny technichesky otdel - special technical department, in fact, each being separate design bureau). "Sto" also means figure '100' in Russian. Later, for security reasons, word 'Sto' was changed with number 100. Petlyakov's STO was first, so his bureau got number 100, Myasichev's was second so he got '102', Tupolev got 103, Tomashevich -110. While one can try to trace STO designation numbers to aircrafts designation they designed, there's in fact no direct connection.
And so much for this.So to wind up the information on this topic some more facts...

DIS - 2 (VK-107) Dalnyi Istrebitel Soprovozhdeniya (long-range fighter escort) is a
profound modification of Pe-2 I. (Пе-2 И). It was created just as an attampt to reach
the level of russian analogue "Mosquito" after Petlyakov was perished IZAKSON was
those who became the chief designer. Under his leadership this model of plane has
begun to be built Myasishchyev finished this model at the end of 1945.
Engine: 2VK-107A
Span m. : 18,110
Lenght m. :13,795
Max speed km/h :627
Range km. :1700 (max.4000)
Armament : 2 x B-20
1 x BT-20
2 x 37 mm (250 rds) or 2 x 45mm (200rds) or 2 x 57mm (175 rds)

Source: Aviatsiya i kosmonavtica #8.1998


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I knew that the Russians could build advanced designs,but they were more progressive than I allways thought!
My respect to the Russian aviation specialists,they re not copy cats makers.
Thank you Borovick for posting the information on the DIS-2. The engine exhaust configuration shown in the three view drawing seems unusual and quite unlike other installations of the VK-107. It looks almost like a double V type such as the Allison V-3420?
Hi all!
Some additional info to Borovik's post about DIS-2:
1. Cover and first page of DIS-2 technical descriprion
2. 3/4 front view.
3. Pilot's cabin and gun.
4. Drawings of DIS-2 but with four-blade propellers.
5. Myasishchev's personal album with DIS-2 description

Source: Illustrated Encyclopedia Mysishchev's aircraft, vol. 2 (OKB-22), Avico Press. 2003


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in the same article about this Project,I found this drawing,what was it ?.


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One embodiment of preliminary design of P-38


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From Kryl'ya Rodine 5/2016.


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I can't make out the words for weapon system II... is that supposed to be the mounting for a 76mm or is it something else?
Avimimus said:
I can't make out the words for weapon system II... is that supposed to be the mounting for a 76mm or is it something else?



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Avimimus said:
I can't make out the words for weapon system II... is that supposed to be the mounting for a 76mm or is it something else?
It provided for the possibility of the aircraft "104" equipment
in the distance-accelerated version
bomber weapons. In this case, in the fuselage
placed special cassettes with artillery
75-76 mm caliber shells in the amount of 24 pieces. There was
the ability to reset these shells in different combinations,
establishing further fuzes at different distances.
Shells were dropped against air targets
when exiting a dive.


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Aha! Thanks Borovik!

So it was for air-to-air bombing? (if I understand correctly)
Hi! Wing root upper shape is interesting.


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blackkite said:
Hi! Wing root upper shape is interesting.

My dear Blackkite,

please check for your info,it was not Aircraft-104,it was Myasishchev DIS,which developed
from Petlyakov Pe.2 ?!.
Hi! I followed borovik-san's post. ;),1975.0.html
Hi! Izaxon 104 larger three side view drawing.


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