Russia and those 500 airliners...


Senior Member
6 June 2006
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As the story goes (no intend to start a flamewar) Russian airlines had 500 airliners in leasing - and only 24 have been recovered so far.

So gentlemen, start your (creative) engines. What would you do with 500 perfectly good modern airliners ? Talk about one heck of a large fleet.

My own take: I would cannibalize their 1000 modern turbofans (or more) and use them to re-engine Il-76s and An-124s cargo aircraft. Russia certainly has a shitload of them (well Il-76s at least, and the tankers and AEW variants).

(or just nuke that thread into oblivion. It's the only way to be sure).
Re-engining an aircraft is a major exercise that won't succeed without the support of the engine manufacturer. I don't see the Russians spending a load of money they don't have replacing engines they can maintain themselves with an unsupported foreign design.
Guess it's my time to head out of this board. If you do not cheer gleefully for one corrupt dystopia over another you are not long for a site like this. I've been abused by a moderator here before. Not going to let it happen again. You guys can cheer on as one MIC chews up slavs against another MIC. I'm out. Sad as I just love jets, particularly of the cold war era. Hope your chosen team wins. Whether its western world order or the growing asiatic league it leads to nothing pretty.
If you assume that the current state of affairs becomes reasonably permanent, those 500 airliners will quickly become unservicable. Their lifespans will thus be quite short. So your rational options are to scavenge them for parts, in order to maintain a constantly diminishing fleet; tear them down and shred them for raw materials; and expend them. Turn them into giant cruise missiles or something.
And at some point, the bill will come due when Russia, in some form, blends back into the world. The companies leasing these aircraft out and likely Boeing and Airbus plus the banks that backed the leases will have long memories. Huge losses here for all involved.

If the leasing company survives perhaps. Given the economic turmoil current and the repercussions after this conflict ends, they might not be around. What then? Insurance?
If the leasing company survives perhaps. Given the economic turmoil current and the repercussions after this conflict ends, they might not be around. What then? Insurance?
Debts upaid never go away, they just change hands or get renegotiated.

Granted the value of those debts can be turned into something so worthless no one will touch them.
Guess it's my time to head out of this board. If you do not cheer gleefully for one corrupt dystopia over another you are not long for a site like this. I've been abused by a moderator here before. Not going to let it happen again. You guys can cheer on as one MIC chews up slavs against another MIC. I'm out. Sad as I just love jets, particularly of the cold war era. Hope your chosen team wins. Whether its western world order or the growing asiatic league it leads to nothing pretty.

And this had to do with the thread subject, how ? There was no intend to insult Russia when starting this thread.

It was 100% pragmatic "what could they do with all these airframes & engines" ?
Pointless, deleted.
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If the leasing company survives perhaps. Given the economic turmoil current and the repercussions after this conflict ends, they might not be around. What then? Insurance?
Debts upaid never go away, they just change hands or get renegotiated.

Granted the value of those debts can be turned into something so worthless no one will touch them.
The value of the debtors can also go to "worthless." If you get a reputation as someone who will reneg on a debt, will stab a business partner in the back, will steal an investment... people will stop doing business with you, or will only do so with punishing interest rates, payable up front.
Apparently the Russian government is allowing these leased aircraft to be re-registered in Russia, even though they are already registered with other countries, mainly Ireland, although having an aircraft registered in two different countries violates current legislation.

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