Royal Navy Escort Cruiser again

uk 75

ACCESS: Above Top Secret
Senior Member
27 September 2006
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Some time ago, we managed (thanks to JFC Fuller) to get some decent info on the proposed 1962 Royal navy Escort Cruiser,1600.msg184219.html#msg184219

Unfortunately as so often the thread go sidelined into discussions on launcher configurations rather than the key point
of finding a decent artists impression of the ship. We know from the above that one was done. Now we need to find it
I would be grateful if the moderator would not merge this with the previous threads as they got trashed with irrelevant discussions
Only two shipbucket variants are available apart from the sketches in Friedman's book, but I do not know any painting style drawings
Thanks, but these are SEASLUG ships. As I said, I am ONLY interested in tracking down info on the 1963 CF299/SEADART ship.
Again, this does not mean the later 1966 Working Party designs which Shipbucket and Brown/Moore feature.
Another of my failed searches. Somewhere there is an artists impression of the final version of the proposed escort cruiser for the Royal Navy before it was dropped in 1962. To remind, it was to have one, possibly two, cf299 Seadart launchere and a separate Ikara launcher. Hood has done a neat Shipbucket drawing which is the closest I have come.
With members visiting the NAO and the discussion of Seaslug and NIGS ships I thought I would surface this thread again.
To summarise. There is somewhere a drawing of the Escort Cruiser design of 1962 which had to be given up when Polaris was ordered. In the absence of the drawing Hood's fictional design from Shipbucket is closest we have to the final 1962 design.
After CVA01 this would have been the most significant RN surface ship programme started in the 60s.
¿This one? Drawing page 61.

The lockdown has me apart from my well-thumbed copy of Rebuilding the Royal Navy, and Google seems to not want to show me that page. However, I remember the Escort Cruiser designs in the book being from before the decision to fit them with what would become Sea Dart. They all showed Sea Slug launchers, and IIRC, some had SS12 launchers. What we are looking for is the final design that had Sea Dart - it would fill a big hole in tracing the evolution that led to the Invincibles, and also shed light on how the Royal Navy intended to use the EC with the CVA-01.
Ah what could have been!

RN orders six, RAN three, a follow on class intended to fill the Commando Carrier / LPH role is ordered, three for the RN and two for RAN, then I wake up......:(

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