Roundels of the World - Second edition


I really should change my personal text
Senior Member
23 August 2013
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Military aircraft Insignia of the World - John Cochrane/Stewart
Crecy Publications
GBP 14.95
Pp 142

Books on aircraft roundels are very rare - almost none in the last 15 years .Hence this is a real labour of passion and it has taken almost 15 years since the publication of the first book by Airlife for a publisher to finally go ahead on this exotic subject.

Its In glorious full colour - and comprises around 142 Pp (the authors originally planned a detailed 2 volume which Crecy compressed into a single volume - depicts all the latest roundels for all the countries including all the notable historical roundels for countries which no longer exist like Katanga , Biafra etc approx 500 + in all - the opening description of Afghanistan with around 9 historical roundels and a 2 Page history sets up a nice opening.

i think the book could have done with another 50 Pp if the publisher had done more justice to the original text submitted and included more photographs or artwork profiles and published in a bigger size as the first edition done by Airlife than the A5 - nevertheless i am quite excited as its a long awaited update on this esoteric topic and a must buy.
Krishna_j said:
... - nevertheless i am quite excited as its a long awaited update on this esoteric topic and a must buy.

Not really that esoteric , I think, if you follow discussions in modellers fora, who can start quite belligerent
debates, if the roundels on a model really are correct, as in the year x, they were changed to those, with
different diameter and totally different colours, so the whole model is screwed up .... ::)
To reiterate - the coverage of all historical roundels for every country is an esoteric subject considering that there have been only 2 books books published on this subject from 1980's till date in english and its by the same set of authors.
Krishna_j said:
To reiterate - the coverage of all historical roundels for every country is an esoteric subject ...

Principally true, this theme mostly was dealt with in the appendices of books like "Taschenbuch
der Luftflotten" (pocket book of the airfleets), or similar stuff, but not in a dedicated issue.

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