Rocket Factory Augsburg

Rocket Factory Augsburg
In June 2023, they became the first European company to complete a full upper-stage test with a staged-combustion Helix engine.

Now RFA preset ARGO a successor of ESA ATV and its reusable.
Rocket Factory Augsburg
In June 2023, they became the first European company to complete a full upper-stage test with a staged-combustion Helix engine.

Now RFA preset ARGO a successor of ESA ATV and its reusable.
Ambitious, but playing around with the numbers They’ve given and their IAD model I get terminal speeds noticeably higher (2-3 times at least, minimum 45-50 kph if not more) than a Dragon capsule Splashdown, closer to a SRB splashdown speed, surely this mustn’t be good for bringing cargo back, they say they aren't using parachutes and the IAD "fully covers the deceleration prior to Splash-down",

I think they're gonna use some Soyuz-like retro-rocket (after all, the heatshield-end that will face the reentry plasma includes the Fenix orbital maneuvering thrusters, so adding some landing thrusters there must be possible)
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German startup hoping to launch in 2022. Their rocket is roughly the same size/performance as Rocket Lab. I couldn't find a launch price but they state "low cost". They have a video on their website here:

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I find it a bit of a cool coincidence if there really is one, a German startup called "Rocket Factory Augsburg" whose initials RFA also means "République Fédérale d'Allemagne" in French.


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