RN Type 14 developments

thebig C

ACCESS: Confidential
28 December 2010
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Hey Gang:)
Apologies for starting a separate thread, but I couldn't any similar/applicable topic.
As you no doubt know the Type 14s were developed in the 1950s with an emphasis on quantity over quality ASW work, which the RN deemed to be a failed policy and eventually relegated the Blackwood Class to OPV duties.
These ships had a relatively small hull and a high beam-length ratio, which meant that upgrades with more advanced weapons during the 1960s was impossible.
However, somebody mentioned to me in passing several years ago that it was precisely the qualities that made the RN dislike these ships that made them attractive to other Navies. Namely, cheap economical asw platforms. I know 3 identical ships were exported to india but I was told that there were derivitive designs possibly in the early 1960s aimed at export. Possibly including a hugher freeboard and a forward gun mount. I have never been able to find any other info.......leading me to believe that my friend is confusing this design with a private 1960s escourt design.


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