US oiling at sea efforts in the 1920s were AIUI, largely experimental. It was extended to smaller vessels like destroyers in the early 1930s, but it was 1938 before procedures for fuelling cruisers, carriers and capital ships were ordered to be developed. Other than in a few exercises it was considered an emergency procedure. Peacetime rules!
While oilers were known to carry and transfer small quantities of stores and ammunition, it was 1945 before transfers from supply and ammunition ships took place.
"On 23 February 1945, the USS Shasta (AE-6) conducted the first underway ammunition replenishment, by breaking ammunition out on deck by hand—including rolling bombs across the deck—and then levering it to the USS Bennington (CV-20)."
A few weeks later in March 1945 stores supply ships began to join the replenishment groups
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