Rik Mayall dead at 56

Abraham Gubler said:
That is truly terrible. :-\

He was a comedy legend. He made me laugh in The Young Ones, The New Statesman, and Bottom plus his guest appearances in Black Adder and Black Adder Goes Forth as Lord Flashheart. He will be missed.
Russell Brand (via Twitter and quoted on http://www.abc.net.au/news/2014-06-10/british-comedy-actor-rik-mayall-dies-age-56/5511196) summed it up best, I think...

Russell Brand@rustyrockets

And all the grown-ups will say, "But why are the kids crying?" And the kids will say, "Haven't you heard? Rick is dead" RIP
12:06 AM - 10 Jun 2014

A very funny man who I'll sadly miss.
The inconsiderate bastard!
Just bloody typical..

He'll live on - in his body of work..

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