Rifle Fire Rockets

Very interesting. Based on what is known about the (primary) projectile, it could be classified as an Anti-Material round in today's terms.
Another board yielded a bit more information.
AMX said:
I found a bit of info on them:
Developed in 1830 by Danish Kriegskommissär von Foss.
Tested, and subsequently introduced, in Prussia in 1834 and in Württemberg in 1844.
Also used by Denmark and Baden.

Described as 1.5 inch long, 0.64 inch diameter; the forward end had a hole of .4" diameter exposing the lead core, the rear end a hole .2" in diameter exposing the incendiary mixture.

Foss claimed an effective range of 1000 Ellen from long arms, and 500 from pistols, but there's no reference whose Ellen these are.
Prussian tests showed good results at range of 300 Schritt.

Used "to good effect" by the Prussians against the Danes, by the Danes in Schleswig, and by Badian insurgents at Niederbühl.

There is some confusion about their use with rifles - some sources claim the Prussians used them exclusively from smoothbores, others say they introduced the m/39 rifle specifically for the rockets.

They fell out of use due to the introduction of rifles with smaller calibre - reducing the calibre of the rockets made their performance unacceptable.

Source said:
Hans-Dierk Fricke: Geschichte der Kriegsraketen und der Raketenartillerie im 19. Jahrhundert
Wehrtechnik und wissenschaftliche Waffenkunde Band 13
Bernhard & Graefe Verlag, Bonn 2001
ISBN 3-7637-6208-6

Pages 267 and 288

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