Riddle me this Batman?

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ACCESS: Top Secret
Senior Member
9 November 2008
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How is it that fighters that do not have an official spec (NGAD), tech demonstrators (X-51A Waverider), UCAVs still in early tech development (X-45/47), fighters in early SDD (Pak-Fa & J-20), and other assorted projects rank a sticky in the Aerospace section, but the world's largest fighter procurement program in history does not?
hehe.. Cost, partners, capability & lifetime, not just numbers produced. :)
SpudmanWP said:
How is it that fighters that do not have an official spec (NGAD), tech demonstrators (X-51A Waverider), UCAVs still in early tech development (X-45/47), fighters in early SDD (Pak-Fa & J-20), and other assorted projects rank a sticky in the Aerospace section, but the world's largest fighter procurement program in history does not?

If you asked for my personal opinion (which I know you don't!) I'd tell you that I'm pretty much against the use of stickies in that manner. They are mostly arbitrary and uncessary. If a topic is a "hot" topic, then it will stay at the top of the list anyway. And if it's not, it shouldn't be given a special status.

Stickies are nice for general forum announcements, or topics that give a key to the rest of the section's topics (indices for instance), or maybe on occasion for a short-running special announcement that needs to be seen and will be removed later. But half a page of stickies pretty much makes them ineffective!!!
The problem with the Lockheed Martin F-35 discussion was that the mega topic was locked multiple times because of the uncivility between members and then new topics were created to get around the lock. We now have multiple topics in Aerospace and The Bar that discuss the Lockheed Martin F-35.
I agree with Stéphane about the stickies and, yes, the F-35 is a theme, that is hard to discuss, as we
found out several times ... ::)
To me, the reason aren't just those technical, financial or time-wise problems (or successes !), but the
feeling, that to my opinion is shared by many people, that it is a program, that simply cannot fail in the
sense, that the F-35 will be procured in large numbers, even if in the end not only timetables, but also
performance figures will be missed.
And that's hard to accept for many people, I think, but here the old say of the three dimensions every
aircraft has, seems to be reversed.
Jemiba said:
but here the old say of the three dimensions every aircraft has, seems to be reversed.

At the risk of bringing the F-35 discussion here, that's... a very interesting and perceptive way of looking at it. I can't say I disagree!!!
Jemiba said:
And that's hard to accept for many people, I think, but here the old say of the three dimensions every
aircraft has, seems to be reversed.

Wow. Couldn't go six posts in a completely unrelated thread without trashing the F-35. You should seek help.
Read this again:
SpudmanWP said:
How is it that fighters that do not have an official spec (NGAD), tech demonstrators (X-51A Waverider), UCAVs still in early tech development (X-45/47), fighters in early SDD (Pak-Fa & J-20), and other assorted projects rank a sticky in the Aerospace section, but the world's largest fighter procurement program in history does not?
It refers to the F-35. Various opinions on why the F-35 didn't merit a sticky are offered, of which you single out Jemiba's for special attention. Why?
Arjen said:
Read this again:
SpudmanWP said:
How is it that fighters that do not have an official spec (NGAD), tech demonstrators (X-51A Waverider), UCAVs still in early tech development (X-45/47), fighters in early SDD (Pak-Fa & J-20), and other assorted projects rank a sticky in the Aerospace section, but the world's largest fighter procurement program in history does not?
It refers to the F-35. Various opinions on why the F-35 didn't merit a sticky are offered, of which you single out Jemiba's for special attention. Why?

Because he started in with attacks. Obviously. Nice knee-jerk by the way.
Jemiba writes of 'successes !', of 'a program, that simply cannot fail in the sense, that the F-35 will be procured in large numbers, even if in the end not only timetables, but also performance figures will be missed'.

When he writes 'And that's hard to accept for many people, I think', he seems to refer to the people who have trouble accepting the F-35 'that cannot fail'. Your attack threshold seems low.

Jens offers his opinion on why the F-35 didn't get a sticky of its own. That's all.

<edit> ...and why he thinks the F-35 is a touchy subject
I guess this is just our version of ZOMG SPACEX over on NSF.
sferrin said:
Because he started in with attacks. Obviously. Nice knee-jerk by the way.

Oops, sorry if you feel offended, really wasn't my intention. Maybe I hadn't taken into account
some sensivities.

sferrin said:
...in a completely unrelated thread without trashing the F-35. You should seek help.

If you read the very first post again, I think you'll see, that it isn't completely unrelated to the F-35.

How I trashed the F-35, I actually cannot see, I was just saying, what to my opinion (without any claim
that it is nearer to the truth, than any other opinion) are in the meantime the political implications of this
program, not a word about the aircraft itself !
But once again. I apologise for obviously having offended your feelings !
Jemiba said:
How I trashed the F-35, I actually cannot see,

I don't doubt that. I'm sure you do it without even thinking.
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