Richard Hatch, the original Battlestar Galactica 'Apollo', passes away.

Grey Havoc

Senior Member
9 October 2009
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The hits just keep coming, it would seem.

Rest in Peace.
Grey Havoc said:
The hits just keep coming, it would seem.

One might argue that the issue is that starting in the mid 1960's we entered a new era of "pop culture" and sci-fi with a lot of new TV-generated celebrities... and now, fifty years later, they are really hitting their statistical "sell by" dates.
Orionblamblam said:
Grey Havoc said:
The hits just keep coming, it would seem.

One might argue that the issue is that starting in the mid 1960's we entered a new era of "pop culture" and sci-fi with a lot of new TV-generated celebrities... and now, fifty years later, they are really hitting their statistical "sell by" dates.

Yup, hitting the peak of the bell curve, sadly.
sadly, the worst is yet to come
i know is matter of time and no one life forever
but if your all you childhood hero dies, it's painful...

So face the realty in coming years allot actors from Star Wars, Star Trek and other popular TV series/Movies will past away.
Remember them by watching there work.
Sad day, I really liked BSG (both the Original one and the reboot).
Apollo and Starbuck were real heroes of that (far) times.
Michel Van said:
So face the realty in coming years allot actors from Star Wars, Star Trek and other popular TV series/Movies will past away.

Yup. Consider that Princess Leia, the youngest of the Star Wars alumni, was 60 when she died. That's not ancient, but that's no spring chicken, either. but compare the Star Wars cast to the original Star Trek cast. Shatner is 85, for frak's sake. Walter Koenig (Chekov) is freakin' *80.*

Harrison Ford is 74. Mark Hamill, 65. Arnold Schwartzenegger, 69.

The late 70's and especially the 80's produced a whole lot of what is now popular culture. Glob only knows how many 1980's TV series have gotten the reboot treatment in recent years on TV and movies, but far fewer from the 70's, fewer still from the 60's, and nearly none from the 50's. The 80's as a decade looom incredibly large in American nostalgia. And that 80's was long enough ago that those who were in their prime then are at their statistical limit now. Plus, the baby boomers were themselves a population bump that is at (well, beyond) statistical life expectancy.

So, yeah. Next decade or so will see a whole lot of pop culture celeb deaths.

But Keith Richards? Dude'll last nearly forever. And when he does finally go, he'll either not need embalming or he'll spontaneously combust.
Michel Van said:
So face the realty in coming years allot actors from Star Wars, Star Trek and other popular TV series/Movies will past away.
Remember them by watching there work.

Babylon 5 is so far ahead of the curve in this regard it's just sad.
This is to sad there has been a lot the old tv stars going to the stars the last two or three month 's.

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