Rhubarb flights.

Foo Fighter

Cum adolescunt hominem verum esse volo.
Senior Member
19 July 2016
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A long time ago, longer than I care to think about, I read a biography about a WW2 RAF fighter pilot. In the book a situation was recalled where a veteran squadron leader was killed over France while flying on a squadron 'Rhubarb' or fighter sweep. His aircraft was not seen but apparently he was killed by a head wound over France. His aircraft was found some miles north of his home field in the treetops of a wood having run out of fuel and made a wheels up landing.

Years later and wanting to find the incident, I cannot find it, obviously when you look for things like that they are either in a source we no longer have or the original incident was made up and is now ignored. Anyone out there got any clues or pointers?
Too vague, as you recognize. Although fighter aircraft losses, by type, are fairly well documented, so are rhubarb losses, too.
basically you need
- pilot nationality
- aircraft type
- year it happened
At least one of these elements...

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