RFB Fantrainer revival?


ACCESS: Top Secret
Senior Member
31 December 2008
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Saw this in the Wikipedia entry on the RFB Fantrainer...real or April Fool's joke?

2011: With the current downturn in the economic climate and a greater desire for operational efficiency, the Fantrainer's time may well have come. The design, production and branding rights are now owned by a German Company that is considering the relaunch of a updated Fantrainer 600. Further details to be revealed in April 2011.

Edit: I did some digging and found the company website and a 2010 press release saying they were considering just that. Interesting.

Saw this in the Wikipedia entry on the RFB Fantrainer...real or April Fool's joke?

Edit: I did some digging and found the company website and a 2010 press release saying they were considering just that. Interesting.

As an update, the Fantrainer still seems up for sale ... here's a link to a page on the company website that shows the basic performance characteristics (if you scoll down a bit): https://fanjetaviation.com/fanjet-rating-ato/

And here's a German article (official preview version of Aerokurier 2023/5 ... last page is missing) on the Fantrainer as per 2023: https://digital.motorpresse.de/leseprobe/00892/2023/5


Henning (HoHun)

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