Reply to thread

If a post is worth posting, its worth creating a topic which is appropriate for it. These multi-page "Various Dornier Projects" type threads are really annoying. By all means, post related designs in one topic, but if the only link is that they share a manufacturer, that's really not useful.

Consider individual topics per design, or per requirement / design competition.

When posting in general, consider -

  • what is the source of this information? Wikipedia is not usually a suitable source, nor deviantart or similar sites.
  • Does this post actually add to the existing knowledge in the topic? Have you checked earlier posts to make sure the image or information hasn't already been posted?
  • Is the image a photo or an original manufacturer-originated drawing? If it's 'fan art' it isn't appropriate here.

Repeated breach of these guidelines will result in post moderation, and posts which do not meet the guidelines will be deleted.

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