Revised B-29 design with alternative engines


I really should change my personal text
29 June 2012
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Alternative A:
The B-29 airframe with 6 x 1710-111. Max. power 9600 hp vs. original 8800 hp. Engine dry weights perhaps approx. 3900 kg (6 x 650 kg) vs. 4800 kg (4 x 1200 kg).

Alternative B:
8 x 1710-111 in paired installation driving 4 props with the engines within the wing structure aft of the main spar and a common gearbox forward of the main spar. A bit like the GM installation in M4A2 (and not like the coupled engines DB 610/V-3420).
Alternative A:
The B-29 airframe with 6 x 1710-111. Max. power 9600 hp vs. original 8800 hp. Engine dry weights perhaps approx. 3900 kg (6 x 650 kg) vs. 4800 kg (4 x 1200 kg).

Alternative B:
8 x 1710-111 in paired installation driving 4 props with the engines within the wing structure aft of the main spar and a common gearbox forward of the main spar. A bit like the GM installation in M4A2 (and not like the coupled engines DB 610/V-3420).

Is the B-29 with alternative engines a debatable topic here, or the 1st post is canon?
Hi Pasoleati,

Alternative B:
8 x 1710-111 in paired installation driving 4 props with the engines within the wing structure aft of the main spar and a common gearbox forward of the main spar. A bit like the GM installation in M4A2 (and not like the coupled engines DB 610/V-3420).

Sounds like a Bristol Brabazon-inspired alternative to the historic Boeing XB-39:

However, I believe one reason for the B-29 to be designed the way it was was the realization that cleanly-designed engine nacelles in combination with thin wings might be a better option drag-wise to an equivalent design with a wing thick enough for the installation of buried engines.

With regard to engine performance, it might be interesting to look at the fuel consumption at long-range cruise powers.

Here's some stuff I looked up a long time ago for a R-2800 vs R-3350 comparison:

The R-2800-21 vs. the R-3350 installed in the B-29:

R-2800: 200 g/HP/h minimum (at 950 HP, 15000 ft)
R-3350: 212 g/HP/h (at 930 HP, 14000 ft)

R-2800: 286 g/HP/h economical maximum (at 1200 HP, 25000 ft)
R-3350: 215 g/HP/h (at 1180 HP, 25000 ft)

R-2800: 352 g/HP/h maximum continuous (at 1625 HP, 29000 ft)
R-3350: 256 g/HP/h (1620 HP, 29000 ft)

R-2800: 374 g/HP/h take-off/emergency power (at 2000 HP, 27000 ft)
R-3350: 312 g/HP/h maximum continuous (at 2050 HP, 28000 ft)

(Data based on P-47 Specific Engine Flight Chart and the B-29 Airplane Commander Training Manual)

So the R-2800-21 can compete with the R-3350 only at very low power settings, which yield a speed that is below the speed for optimum range on the B-29. At higher power settings, which might be necessary when carrying a large fuel load, the fuel consumption of the R-2800-21 is rouhgly 30% greater, with a resultant impact on range.

So it looks as if the R-2800-21 at least couldn't have been used for the B-29 without sacrificing the quality for which the bomber was designed - extreme range.

It might be interesting to check the consumption data for a more modern R-2800 variant than the -21, but unfortunately I don't have any charts for these variants.


Henning (HoHun)
Personally, I think that the best alternative to the R-3350 would have been the V-3420. The R-2800 -- at the time of the B-29's design -- was not sufficiently powerful for an aircraft to meet the spec to which the B-29 was build.
Hi Pasoleati,

Sounds like a Bristol Brabazon-inspired alternative to the historic Boeing XB-39:

However, I believe one reason for the B-29 to be designed the way it was was the realization that cleanly-designed engine nacelles in combination with thin wings might be a better option drag-wise to an equivalent design with a wing thick enough for the installation of buried engines.

With regard to engine performance, it might be interesting to look at the fuel consumption at long-range cruise powers.

Here's some stuff I looked up a long time ago for a R-2800 vs R-3350 comparison:


Henning (HoHun)
Those R-2800 figures are extremely doubtful.
For example, Henning's data claims that the R-2800 required over 370 g/hp/h to produce 2000 hp. Well, according to another P-47 manual, 64" and 2700 rpm giving 2600 hp with water-injection, the fuel flow per hour is about 250 gph, giving an sfc of less than 270 g/hp/h.

Second, within the time period of WW2, the R-3350 wasn't particularly reliable.
Even the 1200 hp sfc (286 g/hp/h) in Henning's post is Irvinisquely wrong. The manual (P-47B) clearly gives a fuel consumption of 105 gph (US). This gives 238 g/hp/h.
Hi Pasoleati,

Even the 1200 hp sfc (286 g/hp/h) in Henning's post is Irvinisquely wrong. The manual (P-47B) clearly gives a fuel consumption of 105 gph (US). This gives 238 g/hp/h.

Hm, that one figure was wrong indeed. The others are correct though.

Corrected resp. confirmed data:

The R-2800-21 vs. the R-3350 installed in the B-29:

R-2800: 200 g/HP/h minimum (at 950 HP, 15000 ft)
R-3350: 212 g/HP/h (at 930 HP, 14000 ft)

R-2800: 238 g/HP/h economical maximum (at 1200 HP, 25000 ft)
R-3350: 215 g/HP/h (at 1180 HP, 25000 ft)

R-2800: 352 g/HP/h maximum continuous (at 1625 HP, 29000 ft)
R-3350: 256 g/HP/h (1620 HP, 29000 ft)

R-2800: 374 g/HP/h take-off/emergency power (at 2000 HP, 27000 ft)
R-3350: 312 g/HP/h maximum continuous (at 2050 HP, 28000 ft)

(Data based on P-47 Specific Engine Flight Chart - see attachment - and the B-29 Airplane Commander Training Manual)


Henning (HoHun)


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Hi Pasoleati,

For example, Henning's data claims that the R-2800 required over 370 g/hp/h to produce 2000 hp. Well, according to another P-47 manual, 64" and 2700 rpm giving 2600 hp with water-injection, the fuel flow per hour is about 250 gph, giving an sfc of less than 270 g/hp/h.

I've posted the R-2800-21 Specific Engine Flight Chart above so you can confirm my number. I guess it's clear that the engine was running extremely rich to avoid detonation - water injection clearly is the superior technique for that, so I'm not surprised it permits a lower specific liquid consumption.

Which manual is your data from, by the way? I'm not sure I have seen any other turbo-supercharged R-2800's SEFC than the R-2800-21's.

Second, within the time period of WW2, the R-3350 wasn't particularly reliable.

It absolutely makes sense to consider alternatives to the R-3350. The thing to keep in mind though is that both the power levels and the low specific fuel consumption were mission critical for the B-29 in WW2. They were operating right on at the forward edge of what was possible at the time.


Henning (HoHun)
Hi again,

Hm, that one figure was wrong indeed. The others are correct though.

For good measure, I re-checked the R-3350 figures too. To avoid inaccuracies from interpolation between data points with stated numbers, I changed the altitudes a bit compared to my earlier post.

Corrected resp. additional data:

The R-2800-21 vs. the R-3350 installed in the B-29:

R-2800: 200 g/HP/h minimum (at 950 HP, 15000 ft)
R-3350: 207 g/HP/h (at 920 HP, 10000 ft)

R-2800: 238 g/HP/h economical maximum (at 1200 HP, 25000 ft)
R-3350: 213 g/HP/h (at 1180 HP, 23000 ft)

R-3350: 211 g/HP/h (1340 HP, 14000 ft) <- Cruise for best range at 110,000 lbs, auto-lean. (Auto-rich would be 234 g/HP/h.)

R-2800: 352 g/HP/h maximum continuous (at 1625 HP, 29000 ft)
R-3350: 252 g/HP/h (1620 HP, 30000 ft)

R-2800: 374 g/HP/h take-off/emergency power (at 2000 HP, 27000 ft)
R-3350: 312 g/HP/h maximum continuous (at 2050 HP, 28000 ft)

(Data based on P-47 Specific Engine Flight Chart and the B-29 Airplane Commander Training Manual - see attachment)


Henning (HoHun)


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The other R-2800 data is from the manual for the P-47D-25/26/27/28/30/35 (viewable on Avialogs).

My original impetus for the thread is based on the fact that when going to "big" engines with normal piston engine design practice, the powwr/weight ratio is getting poorer while complexity goes up. In other words, say one wants a 4000 hp fighter. That is achievable with two Merlins. Or a 5000 hp fighter. Either two Griffons or one XR-7755.

In case of the B-29, e.g. those 8 coupled Allisons would not increase weight greatly while power would be much increased while the basic engines would be well-proven designs. One may argue about the gearbox and its weight/reliability, but then, basically all large helicopters have 2 or 3 engines coupled in one common gearbox. And I would say that in helos reliability and weight are more paramount.
Hi Pasoleati,

The other R-2800 data is from the manual for the P-47D-25/26/27/28/30/35 (viewable on Avialogs).

Thanks for the reference! Does that manual have good resolution scans? I'm asking because I just bought two manuals from Periscope Film LLC (Hughes HK-1 Spruce Goose and an F-86 variant), and while they're nice and tidy, resolution is very coarse to the point that some of the more interesting tables are basically illegible without guessing half of the numbers, and the dimensions in the diagrams are pixel garbage. I didn't send them back, but once bitten, twice shy ... totally defeats the purpose of buying manuals if they're not legible.

My original impetus for the thread is based on the fact that when going to "big" engines with normal piston engine design practice, the powwr/weight ratio is getting poorer while complexity goes up.

Good point. The R-3350 probably is better than most high-power WW2 engines as it achieves its performance with an "ordinary" 18-cylinder layout, but getting a large engine to work still required more time than expected, I guess.

The pairing of smaller generally doesn't seem to have been that much easier than developing new big engines, especially if one takes airframe integration into account.

On the other hand, using 6 instead of 4 engines when the required power couldn't be achieved on fewer engines seems to have been quite straightforward ... the Me 323 and the Bv 222 seem to have been quite trouble-free in that regard. We also have the rare birds Bv 238 and Ju 390, and also examples for the use of 4 engines instead of the original 2 on the He 177B/He 277 (counting the DB 610 as a single engine) as well as on the Lancaster (compared to the Vulture-engined Manchester).

In case of the B-29, e.g. those 8 coupled Allisons would not increase weight greatly while power would be much increased while the basic engines would be well-proven designs. One may argue about the gearbox and its weight/reliability, but then, basically all large helicopters have 2 or 3 engines coupled in one common gearbox.

I'm not so sure about piston-engined helicopters, which due to the power pulses inherent in internal combustion engines are probably more difficult to get right than turbine-engined helicopters. However, the Piasecki H-21, though single-engined, probably shows that's not an unsurmountable obstacle. However, I suspect that under the time constraints of WW2, dealing with rotational oscillations is something one might have wanted to avoid. Even simple extension shafts connecting a single motor with a single propeller were rare and few between.

With regard to your two options, I suspect that the six V-1710-111 variant might not have had quite enough power. The cruise control chart I posted show that the B-29 needed around 5400 HP for cruising at medium weight, and the maximum cruise power of the V-1710-111 was 795 HP, so you'd und up with 4770 HP for the six of them, which is about one engine short of the required power. While the peak power of the V-1710-111 is higher, the 795 HP seems to be all the engine can deliver in auto lean mode where it consumes 216 g/HP/h. Going to maximum continuous power of 1100 HP per engine, consumption increases to 280 g/HP/h, which again is more than the R-3350's 252 g/HP/h at 1620 HP in auto rich mode. There's probably a decrease in drag if the V-1710-engined B-29 variant uses well-streamlined radiators, but on the other hand, it needs six engine nacelles instead of four, so I'd speculate it probably comes out more or less even.

With eight V-1710-111's, the B-29 should be fine with regard to available and required power, though one would probably have to check the weight situation. I am not sure the V-1710-111 would fit into the confines of the relatively thin B-29 wing, so one might end up with nacelles anyway, and accepting that, maybe the use of the V-3420 configuration would be preferrable over some entirely untried new solution.


Henning (HoHun)
The scans (on Avialogs) look OK on phone screen, not tested with printing. Periscope reprints are indeed coarse, but quite cheap as well.

Regarding cruising power, it would be an interesting exercise to test how much manual leaning would lower the sfc of the V-1710. In fact, leaning might also increase power a bit.

Regarding coupled engines and torsional vibration, there was lots of experience on that in the marine field.
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Hi Pasoleati,

The other R-2800 data is from the manual for the P-47D-25/26/27/28/30/35 (viewable on Avialogs).

Is there actually an overview of the power levels in that manual? I can't seem to find it right now. There's a power plant chart on p. 39 by viewer count, but it doesn't really have horsepower figures.

It shows that the R-2100 "B" has a maximum cruise at auto lean using 2350 rpm/35" Hg for 143 GPH from sea level to 12000 ft, compared to the R-2800-21's 2250 rpm/32" Hg for 105 GPH at 25000 ft.

I'm not sure these figures are fully consistent since the R-2800 "B" power plant chart shows a rise of fuel consumption with altitude for the same power setting, so at 25000 ft its fuel consumption would be 152.5 GPH, which is a lot more than the 105 GPH from the R-2800-21's SEFC table. As a rule of thumb, one would expect the R-2800 "B" parameters (a 4.4% rpm increase along with a 9.4% boost increase) to result in a 14% increase both of power and of fuel consumption. However, taken at face value, we're observing a close to 50% increase in fuel consumption, which probably should be double-checked.


Henning (HoHun)
Hi Pasoleati,

I could not find the power data in that one.

Hm, then maybe the figures you quoted were from a different one?

The 250 GPH for 2600 HP are fuel only, ADI fluid not counted, by the way. Interpolating the data points from the F-47N manual, the R-2800 at 64" Hg should consume another 150 GPH of ADI fluid, with at about 7.5 lbs/GAL means the total liquid consumption of the R-2800 "B" should be around 458 g/HP/h at 64" Hg.

At 52"Hg, no ADI, assuming the R-2800 "B" develops 2000 HP like the R-2800-21, the specific fuel consumption is only 381 g/HP/h, so water injection isn't more economical, strictly speaking. (It's probably more economical compared to enriching the mixture to allow the use of 64" Hg on gasoline only, of course.)


Henning (HoHun)
Water is nearly everywhere, fuel not. There were considerations of trying to recover water to allow it to be used for cruising as well.
Hi Pasoleati,

Water is nearly everywhere, fuel not. There were considerations of trying to recover water to allow it to be used for cruising as well.

Anti-detonant fluid was 50% alcohol, which isn't quite as abundant.

I don't believe the P-47 had the means of recovering the water from the exhaust, and in fact the only contemporary plans for water recovery I am aware of are in airship applications, where the bulk, weight, and drag of the condensors is small in comparison to the overall mass and size of the airship.


Henning (HoHun)
The recovery idea was mentioned in the "Report of Joint Fighter Conference" book.
Another option, wing spar spacing permitting: Arrangement like on the MC.72.

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