Resin kits at the price of Short Run Injected Kits ??!! Yes, it is possible !!

Desert Dawn

ACCESS: Confidential
5 March 2009
Reaction score
BIG DISCOUNT OFFER for Group Purchases !!
I have decided to experimentally offer a whole group of my resin kits at the price of short run injected kits !
The goal is to offer the best price for modelers as well as producing and selling a larger quantity of kits to reduce production costs.
If the public demand follow, and i need your support for this, you will see resin kits at low price, but for this to work, i have to hear a wide response from the public, otherwise, there will be no incentive to lower the price of more kits in the future. The minimum number of people i would need to hear from over a short period of time to bring you those low prices would be 10 persons per specific kit. If i only get 10 persons for 1 kit, it is still a go, at least for the kit that gets 10 orders. Depending on the response I will make adjustments and maintain the low prices on those kits that will get a number of orders very close to 10, like 9 orders for exemple. But anything lower than that will not be offered at the special prices.

So it is very important that at least 10 persons show their interest for this offer. This would also be a first in the resin kit industry, as no-one have ever made such an offer with such low prices before.
The idea here is the same as what we have seen recently on websites like Lespac, where groups of buyers get together to purchase a specific item or service over a limited period of time and thus are able to benefit from huge discounts on merchandise ! In this case you will get prices that are close to 40-45% OFF !!
This special offer is on 6 of my new model kits and more low priced kits might be offered in the future if the initial response is good. This offer starts now and is valid until the end of July 2011.
* FDL-5 Manned Combat Spacecraft : Classified USAF Spaceplane designed for satellite destruction and reconnaissance. The ONLY model kit of a classified spaceplane entirely reverse-engineered ever offered to the modeling community. 4 years 1/2 of research ! The authentic classified AMPS-1 annular aerospike engine ! Variable geometry pop-out wings ! Two engines options ! 10 pages of technical info about FDL-5 and on how the model kit was precisely reverse-engineered ! External liquid-fluorine / liquid hydrogen drop tanks a la X-15 ! A mock-up of the Lockheed FDL-5 was built by the AF-FDL lab between the late 1960's - early 1970's. A super-alloy front fuselage and a complete fin were also built. Photos of the mock-up and components as well as the AMPS aerospike engine (also built) are available on my website. 1/100th scale. The kit include 18 high quality pressure cast polyurethane resin parts. Lenght: About 20 cm long. NEW LOW PRICE: Only 52.00$ ! (a 33$ rebate !).
* FDL-6 SOMV (Sub-Orbital Maneuvering Vehicle) : Unmanned Classified spaceplane. A photo of an FDL-6 rear fuselage half made of high temperature super-alloy was built by Lockheed during the late 1960's or early 70's and was published in the magazine Lockheed Horizons. No manned version of this spaceplane was ever built. 1/48th scale resin kit. Lenght: About 20 cm long. The kit include 3 resin parts. NEW LOW PRICE: 45.00$ !
* FDL-6 SOMV and FDL-6 Starbody : Unmanned unmanned spaceplanes (2 different versions, one with a fin and one with what is called a Starbody shape). A photo of an FDL-6 rear fuselage half made of high temperature super-alloy was built by Lockheed during the late 1960's or early 70's and was published in the magazine Lockheed Horizons. No manned version of this spaceplane was ever built. 1/100th scale. A photo of a model of the FDL-6 Starbody was published by the AF-FDL lab. Each kit version include 2 high quality pressure cast polyurethane resin parts. Lenght: About 10 cm long. NEW LOW PRICE: Only 15.00$ for 2 kits !!
* FDL-7 Model 176 A from MDD : Classified military transport lifting-body spacecraft for the MOL space station. It would have carried crews and supplies in and out of the space station. 1/100th scale. The kit include 12 high quality pressure cast polyurethane resin parts and cast metal landing gear as well as small pop-out wings that were used during landing. Lenght: About 20 cm long. NEW LOW PRICE: Only 45.00$ !
* Diplomatic Shuttle : Sci-Fi resin kit. 1/72nd scale. The kit include 23 high quality pressure cast polyurethane parts. Lenght: over 12 inch long. NEW LOW PRICE: Only 59.00$ ! (a 31.00$ rebate !).
Photos are available on my website.
Stratosphere Models

Note: The special offer is void for dealers, distributors and manufacturers. This special offer cannot be combined with any other Stratosphere Models promotions.
Hi everyone,

I am modifying my special offer and i am now removing the limit on orders for the FDL-7 Model 176 and FDL-6 kits ! Meaning that now it doesn't matter how many orders i get for them, the project for these kits is a GO and you will get the special low price on these kits !!

Only 1 week left for the special offer for resin kits at the price of short-run injected kits !

Stratosphere Models

FDL-7 Model 176 resin kit:


FDL-5 Combat Spacecraft:



And FDL-6 Starbody:

More pictures are available on my website.

Stratosphere Models

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