Research on : British Atomic Testing in Australia.


ACCESS: Confidential
16 September 2020
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I am doing further research into British Atomic Testing in Australia 1947-1963.
I would like to hear from anyone who was involved who could tell me the following:
1 What was the name given to the project to develop an atomic bomb in Australia? The early years 1948-1955 ?
Was it the Guided Missiles Project? Maralinga Project? Missiles Projects Group? Maralinga Experiment Programme[MEP]?

2 Does anyone recall the building number at Weapons Research Establishment at Salisbury, when it was originally called Long Range Weapons Establishment? Or recall the name given to the area which housed British scientist /team to develop an atomic deterrent? If someone could guild me to a photo of this building /area that would be great

3 Did Britain fire other nuclear devices in the Australian desert after 1957-1963?

4 Would anyone be able to tell me what the acronym A.G.R.E.E. stands for?

5 Anyone have info on Project 209 and Project J20 /Building 285 at WRE Salisbury

Sincere thanks Vonbaron
Hi Vonbaron
57-63 saw the neutron initiator testing/core compression measurement (the kittens/Tim’s/Rats series ) and single point safety testing (Vixen series and Super Vixen).

Super Vixen (B3 Lima 1-4) were a fully assembled weapon roasted over a burning tray of kerosene to simulate a crash scenario, with a commanded single point detention at finality. A fully prepared test range was established in case of a high yield event but the safety performed as expected with only a small explosion. But still burning Pu jetted several hundred feet into the air. I’m unaware what weapon type was used.
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Hi Zoo Tycoon
Thank you for the info
Have not heard of Super Vixen previously
Would this be post 1958?
Am i assuming correctly that Pu-Plutonium?
Where was the test range as i have a series of maps
Sincere thanks for sharing the info
Sincere thanks for your help
Is there any chance you could email me the article?
Happy to provide an email address if that is acceptable?
Please advise
Again, many thanks for your help. Cheers Mike
It's the current issue, Dec 23.

Greetings Again Sir. I went and tried to get the December issue, but this will not be available in Adelaide South Australia until mid-January 2024. If you could sent me a copy of your article via email i would be extremely grateful.
My email is Sincere thanks
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Try here. Instant gratification.

Back issues should be available.

The January issue also has my piece on the 'Spotswood' Report. There's one paragraph in the files that stopped me dead in my tracks and I had to hit TNA cafe for a sit-down, a brew and a Tunnocks Teacake. I await the hate mail. Explains quite a bit about what happened in the mid-1960s.

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Try here. Instant gratification. source your article and pay for it. zine

Back issues should be available.

The January issue also has my piece on the 'Spotswood' Report. There's one paragraph in the files that stopped me dead in my tracks and I had to hit TNA cafe for a sit-down, a brew and a Tunnocks Teacake. I await the hate mail. Explains quite a bit about what happened in the mid-1960s.

Hi Again
Thank you for the info- i will do this and follow up. Cheers

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