Request for a book about U.S.A. bombers projects


ACCESS: Secret
2 March 2010
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Hello friends!
I'm looking for a good book about American bombers projects from the '30s and '40s. Unfortunately I did not find much: anyone have any advice? Thanks!
That's a dream for me too!, but not only bombers...fighters and miscellaneus types from 1925-1945 would be great.

I have no doubt that Speciality Press or Midland could produce such book and even some of today's top "unbuilt-project qualified" writers and are here in the forum.

Who knows.
There have been numerous books on U.S. fighters between the world wars, but unfortunately I've never seen a good book on bombers/torpedo planes (nor on transports, for that matter). That would be a fantastic book to have!
There have been numerous books on U.S. fighters between the world wars

only covering the most known unbuilt projects, but a lot more were designed.
you know the book "U.S. bombers to 1980` s 1928 "? if you're interested, I can send you copies of the pages related to the aircraft "B" your looking for

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