Reichsluftfahrtministerium (RLM) Designations

Yes, Andreas is the God of designations.

Also, Putnam's German Aircraft of the Second World War has a complete listing, as does my own work.

saturncanuck said:
Yes, Andreas is the God of designations.
Being an atheist, I must inform you that there is no God, not even one of designations ;D!! ;)

Also, Putnam's German Aircraft of the Second World War has a complete listing, as does my own work.
Yes, there are indeed many listings of RLM designations available (incl. e.g. Wikipedia). They have more or less the same information, and differ only in details and the omission/inclusion of a few more obscure designations. The latter is probably more or less up to the "gut feeling" of the list's author ;) , because documentation - even "official" one from Nazi Germany - is often ambiguous or self-contradicting.

Andreas Parsch said:
saturncanuck said:
Yes, Andreas is the God of designations.
Being an atheist, I must inform you that there is no God, not even one of designations ;D!! ;)Andreas

I am sorry, Andreas, I meant no disrespect.

Therefore, I shal ammend my comment to the following....

"Yes, Andreas is the GENIUS when it comes to designations"

I hope this still gets the point across without offending anyones beliefs.

saturncanuck said:
I am sorry, Andreas, I meant no disrespect.
Hey, I know :) ! My remark was entirely "tongue-in-cheek", and I hoped that would be clear with the " ;) "-Smiley.

Anyway, this is hopelessly off-topic, so I'll stop now ... otherwise the Board GodAdministrator will strike me with lightningmove the whole thread to the "Bar" ::)!
Kurt Tank asked the Reichsluftfahrtministerium to let him 200 from Siebel or Fieseler ?
OK. It was Siebel, I found out.
On the basis of this site : I happened to finish my list of the German aircraft, both military and civilian, disignated by the RLM.
While working on it I discovered many fine sites ; all of them are in the bibliography of the list enclosed below.
So many doubts, unclearnesses and lacks that I need You all to complete my list :
Ar 239
Ar 430
Me 164
Bf 165
Me 327
DFS 6 (Mo 6)
DFS 54
DFS 301
DFS 332
DFS 446
DFS 468
Do 235
Fw 40
Fw 252
Fw 272
He 65
He 71
He 278
Hs 315
Ho 253 (H VI)
Ju 147
Ju 452
Mostly goes on the undercarriage configuration ; retractable or fixed, skid fixed or retractable or lauched by catapult aso. ; in the early planes mono or biplane configuration.
From my former list I left Junkers Ju 399 Hubertus only ; it's not mentioned in the RLM list.
Now something delicious ... offtop ! Now for something completely different :)))
Just a view from internet :

I'll be grateful dead for any help, remarks, just allowing me to complete the list.


  • Niemieckie Samoloty Wojskowe I Cywilne.doc
    253 KB · Views: 12
To my knowledge,(I am now past 70 and have been working in LW archive material for over 50 years now) none of the primary documents for the RLM "8" list have come to light. There are many primary documents that have 8- nummer information, but not the master "control" document that had to exist somewhere in the RLM. The Putnam book list is certainly not complete, nor any other I have seen to date. There are also several numbers that are completely spurious, that have been and continue to be used in various publications.

Best Regards,

Artie Bob
My Dear Luftwaffe Friend, indicating that I'm blind You don't help me.
Your knowledge is much better than mine, the Reichsluftfahrministerium had its system,
even bombed Wasaw in september '39, but we have forgiven.
Now help us, please, complete the RLM designation list.
How do You think, the Heinkel He 65 had rectractable undercarriage ?
Andreas and me (and I?) both have lists.

His is on his website, mine is in my book.
Hmm, dear Saturncanuck :) Seems Your link aerofile doesn't work correctly and virused my comp by the way.
I started this topic not for the orgy of Very Important Sites Show, but for discussion of RLM designation
and great and small German aircrafts.
Still I don't know if Heinkel He 65 had fixed or retractable gear. You know which one ?
According to William Green, in Warplanes of the Third Reich, the He 65 would have had a "fixed, close cowled undercarriage"

Regards Bailey.
Thanks very much dear Bailey, there is one problem solved :)
By the way I found this information on now.
Attached my German aircraft list of RLM.


  • Niemieckie Samoloty Wojskowe I Cywilne.doc
    437.5 KB · Views: 10
Boogey said:
Hmm, dear Saturncanuck :) Seems Your link aerofile doesn't work correctly and virused my comp by the way.
I started this topic not for the orgy of Very Important Sites Show, but for discussion of RLM designation
and great and small German aircrafts.
Still I don't know if Heinkel He 65 had fixed or retractable gear. You know which one ?

Works fine for me.

And no viruses.... must be your computer....

God Bless
Thanx very much for Your link, dear saturncanuck ; it's working now correctly.
I have to work on the site as I can't find any useful informations in the moment.
Seems I have written to You with thanks for Your list and some of my questions.
Have You received it ?

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