Recommendations requested for English-language books (translated or otherwise) on early Russian missiles.


ACCESS: Top Secret
6 June 2008
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Mostly looking at early development of AAM and ship-launched SAM, geared toward the reader who has a bit of technical knowledge and wants something more on the level of BSP than Bill Gunston. Yefim Gordon's excellent book on Russian/Soviet air-launched weapons whetted my desire to know even more about the missile NATO called AA-1 Alkali, and my interest in the early iterations of Talos, Terrier and Tartar extends to their 1950s-70s Soviet equivalents. I'm more than happy to handle a bit of mathematics.
I know what you want but this is as close as it gets:

Intercept 1961: The Birth of Soviet Missile Defense by Mike Gruntman.

Followed by:

Rockets and People by Boris Chertok. Four volumes.

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