rechlin plans


I really should change my personal text
17 August 2016
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I wonder if somebody has sketches of these two objects, located at the rechlin airport (

thank you


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Odd, the weisse Hauser are too close together to be flak towers and too tall to be storage units. I would almost go with them being construction buildings for A-4 rockets or a variation of this. The bunker looks to have housed some large artillery but the location is wrong for that. Launch control unit for rockets?
Foo Fighter said:
Odd, the weisse Hauser are too close together to be flak towers and too tall to be storage units. I would almost go with them being construction buildings for A-4 rockets or a variation of this. The bunker looks to have housed some large artillery but the location is wrong for that. Launch control unit for rockets?

more photos and
Die "Weißen Häuser" entstanden als Versuchsbauten des "Baulichen Luftschutz". Sie sind das Ergebnis von Überlegungen, die die Stadt Hamburg in einem Architektenwettbewerb und der Architekt Neufert als Normungsbaeuftragter des Generalbauinspektors Albert Speer unabhängig voneinander angestellt haben. Es ging darum den gefährlichen Fußweg zwischen Wohnung und Schutzplatz zu vermeiden, dass heißt die Bunker in Wohnbauten einzubauen. Sie sollten in Friedenszeiten als Bäder, Abstellraum oder Treppenhäuser genutzt werden und im Kriegsfalle gleichzeitig als Etagenbunker dienen. Zu Versuchszwecken hat man solche "Erschließungskerne" bei Rechlin auf dem Versuchsgelände der Luftwaffe errichtet. Diese Rohbauten gingen dann als "Weiße Stadt" und als "Germania-Probebauten" in die Geschichte ein. Früher waren die Fassaden verklinkert. Die Steine seien später abmontiert und für den Hausbau genutzt worden. So seien die Bauten zu ihren Beinamen "weiße Häuser" gekommen.
English version
The Weiße Hauser were a Project related to Architect Albert Speer and Ernst Neufert

It was test building for Multifamily residential with integrated Air raid shelter in corners
to about avoiding the dangerous footpath between the apartment to nearest shelter during bomber raids.
in Peace time the shelter part are used as staircase, bathrooms or storerooms.
in war time they become floor bunkers

At Rechlin this Multifamily residential was build with floor bunkers
The carcass was nick named "White Homes" later "Germania test building"
The carcass had clinkered facade, but they were removed after WW2 for House construction

The project was developed synchronous by Ernst Neufert for City of Hamburg
and Albert Speer for Hitler new Capital Germania

next White Houses, build the Nazis after 1933 a “mock city” there and a 300 meter long stretch of the Autobahn
what purpose had those works is unclear, most document lost
one theory is that place was simulate an urban setting and to test the accuracy and effectiveness of the newly developer weapons.
Rechlin was after all a weapon test facility for Luftwaffe
Thanks for the information and video's. The last block has curious blast damage. I am leaning towards a penetration of the concrete face but there is also sign of incendiary effect. I wonder if they were testing standard weapons or perhaps a few exotic types.

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