Real aircraft?


ACCESS: Restricted
26 January 2011
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Just came across this vid on youtube - dated 2008, but I havent seen it before and wondered if anyone has any ideas. Apologies if this has been discussed before
So technically, yes, it is a real aircraft; only a really, really small one.

The overall design doesn't look like it would be very efficient, either. A lot of weight would be concentrated away from the middle of the aircraft and the moment arm for the vertical tails is very small.
Since there is a minimum of posts required to allow newcomers to upload pics, how come the same cannot apply to a video embedding?

I might be wrong but we've had similar newcomers before, and they're often the conspiracy kind, loonies that try to permeate every single forum to spread their obsessions. I'm not saying it's the case here, but joining a forum to post just one video, no introduction, no socializing of any kind, this seems dubious to me, especially if it's something to do with UFOs, mysterious aircraft videos and such... The username chosen by our newbie does not exactly help, either... ::)
Or maybe he just joined specifically because he wanted to ask that question...
Thiel said:
Or maybe he just joined specifically because he wanted to ask that question...

That is ALSO a possibility, hence my remark "I might be wrong..." ;)
Ten months ago, we had a discussion about another clip which some people here immediately sussed for what it was. I wasn't one of them. Keep asking questions, share what you find. Expect to be clobbered if you're selling BS.

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