Radioplane and Northrop-Ventura Drone Designs

Mark Nankivil

ACCESS: Top Secret
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13 June 2007
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Hi All -

Thanks to Gerry Balzer, I now have a number of drawings of Radioplane/Northrop Ventura drones. I'll start off with the NV-135 with more to follow.

Enjoy the Day! Mark


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The NV-101.... Mark


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Here's one for the RP-99 - anyone have a drawing/photo for the Epervier that Stehpane mentioned?

Enjoy the Day! Mark


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    zNorthrop-Ventura RP-99 General Arrangement.jpg
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Wow! What a nice surprise. Please extend my heartfelt thanks to Gerry Balzer for sharing these!
Here is the RP-35. This sheet appears to be three concepts/variants for troop delivery with the top one being a pod (for Rogallo or parasail?) while the other two are powered and winged. Would be a wild ride!

Enjoy the Day! Mark


  • Radioplane NP-35 Concepts.jpg
    Radioplane NP-35 Concepts.jpg
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I'll finish today with the RP-33 "Satan" which was proposed as a testbed vehicle for the Menasco Manufacturing Company AJ-20 ram jet engine.

Enjoy the Day! Mark


  • Radioplane RP-33 Satan 3V.jpg
    Radioplane RP-33 Satan 3V.jpg
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Just fabulous. If anyone had told me that something called "Satan" would one day make me feel like Christmas come early, I scarcely would have believed it... ;D but this stuff is just amazing! Keep 'em comin'!
Thanks - I'll now give you "Demon" and "Javelin" to go along with "Satan".

Enjoy the Day! Mark


  • Radioplane RP-32 Javelin 3V.jpg
    Radioplane RP-32 Javelin 3V.jpg
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  • Radioplane RP-31 Demon 3v & development.jpg
    Radioplane RP-31 Demon 3v & development.jpg
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Maveric said:
is the Javelin an piloted aircraft?

It certainly does seem so, even though the pilot would probably have been seated in a fairly unconfortable way I believe...

Such amazing designs/documents!
I don't think so based on the dimensions and weight noted. What looks like a canopy could be the access hatch for equipment. At least that's my take on it...

Enjoy the Day! Mark
I tried to squeeze my "Joe Standard" into the Javelin and although there are better models of the human
body without doubt, I think it shows, that a pilot would really have a very uncomfortable ride and, probably
more important, would severely limit the available internal volume for engine, fuel and so on.


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Jemiba said:
I tried to squeeze my "Joe Standard" into the Javelin and although there are better models of the human
body without doubt, I think it shows, that a pilot would really have a very uncomfortable ride and, probably
more important, would severely limit the available internal volume for engine, fuel and so on.

Thanks Jens. I knew it would be a difficult ride, but I still thought the pilot could be seated with his head very much to the rear. Given the dimensions, apparently not. In that case it kills the logic of having a glazed part above the head, doesn't it? If there was a need for a window in that position, it would have to be underneath... So maybe Mark is right.
Not quite! ;)

Need help IDing this one...

Enjoy the Day! Mark


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Mark Nankivil said:
I'll now give you "Demon" and "Javelin" to go along with "Satan".

Interesting that the page showing the various configurations studied describes the one shown in full on the right as "Modified Wasserfall". And indeed it is just that, a version of the German EMZ Wasserfall!

Not only that, but Configuration #9 (apparently not retained for the RP-31 Demon) was chosen for RP-33 Satan...

Also, did anyone notice that the PDF file gives "Prototype completed" dates for nearly every RP- project? Weird, uh?


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