Question on homebuilt aircraft and SPF


ACCESS: Top Secret
Senior Member
31 December 2008
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Do we have any rules on posting about homebuilt aircraft unbuilt designs and prototypes? I don't mean pie-in-the-sky ideas, I mean actual designs and prototypes from established and qualified designers and builders. I know such things interest me, but is there an interest in such posts on this forum? Cheers, Matthew
Good to know, thanks. I thought I remembered reading something recently about limiting posts to "established aircraft manufacturers" so I wasn't sure. I'll have plenty of homebuilt designs to share.
Mole said:
Good to know, thanks. I thought I remembered reading something recently about limiting posts to "established aircraft manufacturers" so I wasn't sure. I'll have plenty of homebuilt designs to share.

I believe the "established" bit was meant so as to avoid flooding certain parts of the forum (the "patents" section for instance) with tons of theoretical designs from students or would-be engineers with no aircraft building credentials. Anyone can "design" an aircraft on paper, but whether it's actually flyable and buildable is a whole different thing altogether...

May I suggest, if you think you have quite a few of these to share, that you start a general topic on them? Or maybe several, one per country? For instance: "British homebuilt projects" and the likes. If one of these projects gets enough coverage it will always be time to split it to a topic of its own. What do you say?

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