Quantum Engines.


ACCESS: Top Secret
1 January 2021
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Interesting proposal.

"Roscosmos" denied reports of the development of "anti-gravity engine"

Stand with the logo of the Federal Space Agency Roscosmos

© RIA Novosti / Valery Melnikov
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Stand with the logo of the Federal Space Agency "Roscosmos". Archival photo
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MOSCOW, 13 Mar - RIA Novosti. "Roscosmos" denied information about the beginning of the development of the "anti-gravity engine", but is ready to check the reliability of the effects and equipment proposed by the inventor, told RIA Novosti adviser to the General Director of the state Corporation "Roscosmos" Dmitry Rogozin on science Alexander Bloshenko.
Earlier, a number of media reported that Roscosmos had formed a technical task for the development of a "quantum engine" that refutes the laws of physics. Inventor Vladimir Leonov allegedly created a new physical theory that allows you to take energy from the quanta of the gravitational field.

"Dmitry Olegovich did not give direct instructions on the development of an anti-gravity engine. The information is not true in the form in which it was voiced. Leonov's personality is known to us, he repeatedly turned to us with the idea of introducing an innovative anti-gravity engine, created on the basis of the theory that he, as he declares, developed. A kind of superunification theory. We have really formed a technical task, but not for the development of an anti-gravity engine, as the media write, but for an experimental check of the reliability of those phenomena that the author declares," Bloshenko said.
According to him, for the first time Leonov appealed to Roscosmos a few years ago, and it was decided to check the reliability of the information that the inventor expresses.
Priest Father Sergius

12 march 2019, 20:51
NASA posted a photo of the confessor of Roscosmos
"We know the position of the Russian Academy of Sciences on this issue and share its restraint about the fact that Leonov has developed a certain theory of superunification, which radically changes all the theories that exist today. A kind of analogue of string theory. At the same time, we understand that the one who first learns to quantize the gravitational field, without any doubt, deserves the Nobel Prize," said Bloshenko.

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He recalled that even to the established planetary model of the atom, scientists initially had a skeptical attitude, so it is impossible to immediately reject new theories a priori.
To verify the effects claimed by the author, Roscosmos several years ago offered the inventor to provide experimental samples, the work of which could be tested in scientific laboratories.

Transportation of the Soyuz-FG carrier rocket with the manned Soyuz MS-12 spacecraft to the launch pad of the Baikonur cosmodrome. March 12, 2019

12 march 2019, 23:54
NASA astronaut Nick Aig called the Russian rocket "Soyuz" a miracle
"We give the RAS the question of the scientific or pseudoscientific nature of the theory, and on our part we would like to receive confirmation of those applied effects that the author declares, according to those methods that we consider reliable and which allow us to take into account the measurement error and external factors," the science adviser said.
To do this, the state corporation is ready to provide its experimental base if the developer brings a sample of equipment for testing.
However, the state corporation noted, Leonov has not responded to the proposal to test the equipment for several years. Questions of the amounts required for the tests were not discussed, the interlocutor of the agency explained.

A prototype of a quantum engine ("Gravity has found work"), creating thrust without ejecting reactive mass, caused an incredible stir. Public opinion, as usual, was divided into those who believe in the project and consider it fantastic. As for officials, they probably do not realize the seriousness of the discovery and its practical application.

For a comprehensive discussion of the problem, the Military-Industrial Courier held a round table. It was attended by the former Minister of General Engineering of the USSR, Hero of Socialist Labor Oleg Baklanov, author and developer of the engine, head of the Quanton Group, laureate of the Russian Government Prize in science and technology, Candidate of Technical Sciences Vladimir Leonov, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor of Moscow State University Boris Arbuzov, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor of Moscow State University Eduard Smolyakov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Military Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces named after Peter the Great Alexander Gnevko, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, former First Deputy General Director for Science of the National Institute of Aviation Technologies Vasily Podkolzin, military expert, head of the ArtAvia OTK Vladimir Gloshkin.

Vladimir Leonov: A quantum engine that operates without ejecting a jet jet questions the foundations of classical mechanics. Paradoxically, the current generation is hammered into the heads that the reactive method of motion in space is the only possible (by the way, Konstantin Tsiolkovsky did not think so), since it corresponds to the law of conservation of momentum of force and amount of motion, formulated by Newton 350 years ago.

But Einstein 100 years ago showed that in the field of relativistic velocities, classical mechanics no longer works and the relativistic impulse no longer corresponds to classical momentum.

In my fundamental work, The Theory of Superunification, which is more than 700 pages long, published in England (Cambridge, 2010), India (2011), and Russia (2017), it is shown that in quantum mechanics the momentum of force behaves in the opposite way compared to the classical momentum. And the theory of superunification is the quantum theory of open quantum-mechanical systems, about which little was previously known. I repeat: the new quantum pulse is used by us in an existing engine to create a thrust force without ejecting reactive mass.

The main thing is that the theory of superunification now has experimental confirmation in the form of a working quantum engine. Physics is primarily an experimental science, and experiment is the basis for a theory. In March 2018, a commission chaired by Oleg Dmitrievich Baklanov measured the specific thrust force of our device. The tests were supervised by the honored tester of space technology Alexander Kubasov (RSC Energia). Their results are published in the journal "Aerospace Sphere", 2019, No. 1 (https://www.ashurbeyli.ru/public/flipboard/vks12019/#page=70). The protocol is posted on the Internet.

- What results have you obtained and how objective are they?

V. L.: Let me remind you that the specific thrust force determines the power consumed by the engine (in kilowatts - kW) to create a unit of thrust force (in newtons - H, 1 kg of force = 9.8 N). According to the test results, a prototype of a quantum engine reliably developed a thrust force of 115 N / kW. This is 165 times more than the best liquid rocket engine (LPR), the specific thrust force of which does not exceed 0.7 N / kW. This means that a spacecraft (LA) with a quantum engine will consume energy 165 times less compared to a modern launch vehicle (LV) on chemical fuel. With such parameters, a space aircraft with a quantum engine will be able to work for a long time both in the atmosphere and in space. This cannot be done in the traditional way.

What is the reason for such a sharp jump in energy savings? The fact is that the quantum engine in comparison with the LPR does not "drown" the atmosphere and space with the products of combustion of chemical fuel. Today, the designers of the LPR are trying to reduce fuel consumption by several percent, and here we have a new engine that is more than 100 times more economical than the LPR. Of course, this causes some people a kind of shock and distrust.

- To dispel the skepticism around your invention and the possible violation of the law of conservation of momentum, we invited to the "round table" two theoretical physicists from Moscow State University: Boris Arbuzov and Eduard Smolyakov, who, independently of Leonov, developed the concept of pulse conservation violation and the creation of non-reactive electromagnetic propulsion for flight in outer space. As well as practitioners - doctors of technical sciences Alexander Gnevko and Vasily Podkolzin, military expert Vladimir Gloshkin.

Boris Arbuzov: Vladimir Semenovich briefly and clearly spoke about this very important problem. As a theoretical physicist, it is important for me to understand how and by what way such results are obtained. I approached the problem of not maintaining the classical momentum back in 1967 (the first publication in the ZHETF), and then in 1974, when it came to cases of manifestation of this effect. I tried to understand whether there are additional contributions in the geometry of our space not only from gravitational, but also from other fields. In particular, electromagnetic. The fact that the gravitational field is based on the electromagnetic field is clearly shown in Leonov's theory of superunification and confirms my conclusions.

Earlier we said that the falling apple is affected by the gravitational force of the Earth. Classical mechanics is based on Lagrange equations of motion. In the electromagnetic field, the Lorentz force acts. New physical effects appear when electromagnetic and gravitational fields interact. The result is an energy gradient and additional force. Its nature should be sought in the manifestation of strong magnetic (electromagnetic) fields, which make an additional contribution to the structure of space-time.

Of course, there is still a lot of unknowns, but the main thing is that there is an experimental effect of the emergence of an additional energy gradient and the creation of a powerful thrust.

- In the last few years, there has been information about unusual effects, the interpretation of which when following standard physical principles seems impossible. This refers to the so-called EmDrive devices. It is argued that the effect consists in the appearance of a force that affects an isolated object without external influence, only due to internal high-frequency electromagnetic processes. Is that right?

B.A.: If there are no unaccounted sources (or a simple experimental error), then such an effect certainly does not mean the preservation of momentum. In a recent NASA paper, a number of authors stated this. In particular, on the measurement of the ratio of thrust to electromagnetic power for a closed radiofrequency cavity with a resonant frequency of 1:937 GHz, which is loaded with a sample from a dielectric. An even more significant effect is presented in the work of our colleagues Leonov, Baklanov, Sautin, Kostin, Kubasov, Altunin and Kulakovsky (Aerospace Sphere, No. 1, 2019 / https://www.ashurbeyli.ru/public/flipboard/vks12019/#page=1).

On the one hand, such results in most physicists cause distrust because of the possibility of contradiction with the preservation of momentum. However, it is quite expedient to ask the question: what consequences can this lead to? In general relativity, a test body moves along a geodesic line (generalization of a straight line), which is determined by the geometry of space. But when using a other method of measurement, a new force arises, which turns out to be associated with electromagnetic fields. It leads to vertical thrust, obtained exclusively due to internal processes in the system.

Further work on the study and application of the considered effects may well lead to the creation of fundamentally new promising engines. It should be noted the undoubted scientific significance of these studies for physics and astrophysics.

Eduard Smolyakov: In support of professor Arbuzov's words, I assert that in a quantum engine from the standpoint of classical mechanics, we really do not observe the conservation of momentum. The fact is that classical mechanics considers the dynamics of body movement. And from the standpoint of quantum theory, a violation of the law of conservation of momentum in a quantum engine is not observed, since it already operates with the concept of a field and particles. As shown in Leonov's theory of superunification, cosmic four-dimensional space-time is quantized (consisting of quantons) and is a global energy field with which the engine interacts. It creates a thrust force, starting from this global field. So that's okay.

In parallel with the work of Leonov's group, giving him priority, I have long been studying the possibility of creating principles of non-reactive motion in space and wrote a number of works ("Theory of the search for exact equations and laws of motion." M., "Russian Encyclopedia", 2012; "Magnetic field flights that provide both a state of weightlessness and accelerated motion." Proceedings of the Institute for System Analysis of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2014).

Theoretical calculations based on much more general equations than the equations of Maxwell and Newton show the possibility of movement with large accelerations with the help of a powerful controlled magnetic field created on board the aircraft, which provides not only accelerated motion (without the use of jet thrust), hundreds of times higher than the acceleration of free fall on Earth, but also a comfortable state for the crew without inertial overloads.

Moreover, calculations have shown that with the help of a strong magnetic field, it is possible to exit from our space into the dual one through "wormholes", the realities of which were paid attention to by the astrophysicist Stephen Hawking. In this case, the movement is possible in an arbitrarily short time at any distance with the subsequent return to our space for hundreds of light years. It seems fantastic, but theoretical physicists really consider such effects. And what Leonov's group is doing is no longer fiction, but realities confirmed experimentally.

- You seem to have familiarized yourself with Leonov's theory of superunification. What is your opinion?

E.S.: When I got into it, I immediately congratulated Vladimir Semenovich. This, in my opinion, is the most beautiful and harmonious physical theory. Its logic is the key to the fact that it will be the most accurate of all known models of the real world.

By the way, 10 years after the publication of the theory of superunification in the UK (Cambridge), there was no official criticism of it in the world scientific literature. Even the Commission on Pseudoscience of the Russian Academy of Sciences did not officially dare to ostracize it. The theory of superunification is a purely Russian achievement, nothing like this has been created in the West.

Alexander Gnevko: At the Military Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces named after Peter the Great, an initiative group was created to study the non-reactive motion and speed of gravity, which we measured by the action of lunar and solar tides. The materials of the experiments have been published. We live in an age of gravity and antigravity. And in order to calculate the parameters of the antigravity quantum engine, it is necessary to know the speed of propagation of gravity (gravitational wave), which is not measured experimentally by anyone. This is also required in the creation of quantum generators of gravitational waves (grazers), which, compared with lasers, will represent even more powerful beam weapon systems.

I fully support the idea of developing and mastering quantum motors for a new generation of aircraft. This will give a huge leap in the development of technology and new weapons systems. In most cases, my and Leonov's assessments coincide.

Unfortunately, fundamental science is almost not funded, especially in the field of gravity and antigravity, and Americans already receive Nobel Prizes for this. Leonov's group, I believe, made an important breakthrough on one enthusiasm. But this direction should be given a state status. So far, our military industry is holding on to the Soviet reserve, but it is coming to an end. What's next? In theory - the development of antigravity quantum engines for a new generation of aircraft. We will not do it, our potential adversaries will. A future war will begin in space, and we must be prepared for it.

There is another important point. Where is the main source of energy in nature now? Everyone thinks about the atom. But, according to physicists, the main energy is concentrated in the cosmic vacuum, in the so-called dark matter. Leonov managed to uncover the quantized structure of the cosmic vacuum and assess its colossal energy intensity using a quasi-solid-state model. We have to master new types of this colossal cosmic energy.

V. L.: Professor Gnevko's fundamental research in the field of measuring the velocity of gravity deserves the Nobel Prize. But he needs state support, otherwise this work will be intercepted by the Americans, as we have repeatedly observed with other projects in the dashing 90s.

Vasily Podkolzin: When Alexander Fedorovich Mozhaysky created his aircraft, steam engines could not provide it with lift and the necessary flight speed. Moreover, no one believed that a body heavier than air would be able to break away from the ground and make a flight. When internal combustion engines appeared, the world changed radically. But these engines also had their limits. They could not provide the aircraft with a speed of more than 730 kilometers per hour. This turned out to be capable of a jet (turbojet) engine, which can be replaced by a quantum one.

What is Leonov's superunification theory? As a result of the interaction of magnetic, electromagnetic, gravitational fields, a force is born, which is called antigravity. It's about creating an activator that will allow you to bend space and interact with electric, magnetic, gravitational fields, extracting energy from them. Physicist Vladimir Leonov has been working on this theory for 20 years, and has now put his findings into practice.

I have previously stated thoughts about the creation of an engine that works on the principle of reverse gravitational forces. They are activated from time and space, give out energy, I confirm, tens, hundreds of times more than conventional LPR. Therefore, to promote this idea, in my opinion, it is necessary to create a demonstrator in the form of an aircraft. Thus, we will prove that all this is not nonsense. The Chinese, according to some reports, have already launched a quantum engine into space.

V. L.: Our engineers, as well as officials, unfortunately, do not yet know the nature of gravity and antigravity, what are relativistic and quantum pulses, what is their difference from the classical force pulse. It's not their fault – that's how they were taught. But officials make decisions. And our task is to convince them of the need to develop quantum engines for space at the state level. It should be noted that new technologies, in addition to military use, give a huge commercial effect. The profit for the state will be huge. Thus, the low-orbital cellular network we offer will give $ 200 billion, providing reliable communication throughout the country and the planet. To do this, we need relay satellites that can be kept in low orbits with the help of small quantum motors when powered by solar panels.

Vladimir Gloshkin: As a military expert, it should be noted that the concept of a "war of engines" has not been canceled. US President Trump announced to the whole world that space is becoming an arena of hostilities. To maintain military parity, we must rely on new space technologies and gravity weapons. Imagine a device with an anti-gravity quantum engine of the type of flying saucer, equipped with a combat grazer. Such an aircraft can easily destroy from space the starting positions on the ground, any rocket in orbit. If the Americans are the first to make a new space weapon, our nuclear shield will no longer be able to fulfill its protective function.

Something is already being done. In December 2016, the work schedule and the ToR "Development and bench tests of an experimental sample of a pulsed antigravity quantum engine (KVD)" were agreed. The toR was agreed and signed by the FSUE Khrunichev Federal Scientific and Production Center, the Maximov Research Institute of Space Systems with the assistance of the Board of the Military-Industrial Commission under the Government of the Russian Federation. However, funding for agreed topics has not been opened for an unknown reason. Moreover, Roscosmos begins to abandon this work, focusing on the so-called tsar-engine, which in fact is a modernization of the old RD-180 with a specific thrust force of 0.655 N / kW. This is 175 times worse than that of a prototype quantum engine (115 N/kW). Such trampling on the spot leads to a loss of time and finances.

Professor Georgy Kostin, former director and deputy chief designer of the Voronezh Mechanical Plant (VMZ), where rocket engines are made, proposed to start work with the development of hybrid engines (LRD + KvD). In this embodiment, the electricity supply of the quantum engine is carried out from an electric generator installed on the same shaft with the pumping unit of the LPR. This will reduce the fuel consumption of the launch vehicle by three to four times, lighten its launch weight and increase the payload. Kostin's proposal was supported by the Director of VMZ and the General Director of RSC Energia. But someone didn't like it. Professor Kostin, Director of VMZ and General Director of RSC Energia, are dismissed from the VMZ.

Leonov's group also proposed a project of a heavy space platform with four KvD with a thrust of 100 tons each. Starting weight – 380 tons. The payload put into orbit of 500 kilometers is 180 tons. Fuel consumption – 25 tons (hydrogen – oxygen). But the project, even without discussion, was rejected, because, they say, Roscosmos is already working on a heavy rocket with a launch weight of three thousand tons and a payload of 105 tons. Compare these indicators and draw your own conclusions. There is a danger that we will forever lag behind the United States and China in this direction.

V. L.: Let me add to the above that China has offered Kwanton to move to them with the whole structure and carry out these works on their territory with unlimited funding. There are other suggestions. There was a call that Lockheed was interested in developing a quantum engine for an aerospace aircraft. But we reject proposals from abroad, because we have not exhausted the possibilities of development in our country. In addition to Roscosmos, there are other state structures that are ready to cooperate with us now.

Oleg Baklanov: I am grateful to our wonderful scientists who took part in the discussion of this important problem at the round table, once again emphasizing its severity and relevance. And officials need to finally understand that fundamental science today has penetrated into the nature of gravity and antigravity, the quantum structure of space. This allows you to create engines that do not require fuel. The traditional LPR, we repeat once again, has reached its technical ceiling. Its specific thrust does not exceed 0.7 newtons per kilowatt of power, which allows you to put into orbit a cargo of no more than three to five percent of the launch mass. That can't suit us anymore.

We need engines that work on new physical principles that can actively maneuver in the air and space. KvD is a hundred times more economical, more efficient than conventional LPR. This is a revolutionary achievement in space engine building, which cannot but be appreciated.

The task now is to convey our arguments to the leadership of the defense industry, the Ministry of Defense, the President of the Russian Federation. After all, this is a real breakthrough into the future.

Edit: document https://vixra.org/pdf/1910.0124v1.pdf
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Reactionless drives are something that belongs in a SciFi forum. Any serious discussion of them allways turns out to be snake oil or poor understanding of physics.
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"Show Working" is key.

Must be said, just as US fringe seem fascinated by 'Dean-ish Drives' and 'Over-Unity' whatsits, Russians seem inordinately fond of 'Magneto-Gravitics' and their ilk...

Searching for designs for near-fractal antennae, as such may give omni-directional output with broad frequency response from a sub-sub- lambda 'grid', I found myself in a 'fringe forum' with, um, sub-optimal technical moderation.

The level of ignorance was terrifying. Even concepts such as V = I x R, or P = V x I = (I^2)/R, or that RMS =/= Peak etc etc were utterly lacking.

Worse, most seemed to regard up/down voltage conversion found in 'Joule Thieves' and other switching power supplies as 'over-unity' devices 'in the wild'. My modest proposal that a favoured OUD design be challenged by a 'simple' resistive load such as a water heater, rather than a 'resonant' reactive load, was ill-received...
Reactionless drives are something that belongs in a SciFi forum. Any serious discussion of them allways turns out to be snake oil or poor understanding of physics.
Agreed. I read the linked English-language PDF. It seems to be the same electromagnetic tomfoolery (I use the word advisedly as a sometime professional electromagnetics engineer) that has been kicking around the world for some time. No claimed effect has yet survived rigorous independent replication; some of us may perhaps be forgiven for suspecting that none ever will.
Seems in the document they state the Chinese have tested theirs in space only state that the chinese will make it 100 times better in thrust while they try to pursue the same thing. (hopefully what the chinese have tested does not contradict staffs decision to move topic somewhere else;))

8. NASA (USA), Great Britain, China and other countries are working towards the creation of quantum engines. At its orbital station, China has tested a small microwave EmDrive quantum engine with a 72 N thrust and is about to increase its thrust by 100 times. In Russia, when testing KVD-1-2009, the thrust force ranged from 110 to 500 kg (from 1100 to 5000 N).

Just like the tragedy of Ufimtsev if this really is a breakthrough than they should not ignore what other mathmatecians or physicists propose of their discoveries. But it seems that Roscosmos is very open to new engine ideas from methane recoverable wing rockets, aerospike engines, detonation engines, nuclear reactors powering mpd thrusters, etc,
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That's from 2016. IF there is anything in that story, the people involved would, by now, have built up some kind of reputation. I do not think they have. Colour me skeptical.
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The article implies multiple times that the revolutionary drive doesn't obey conservation of impulse - but isn't the violation of that imply violation of conservation of energy? If one could build a truly reactionless drive, which could accelerate constantly with a constant power draw, the kinetic energy of the object would still increase with the square of the velocity, making this an overunity device.

Is this line of reasoning correct?
That's from 2016. IF there is anything in that story, the people involved would, by now, have built up some kind of reputation. I do not think they have. Colour me skeptical.

Hate to state the obvious but progress on engines from either the U.S. or Russia are on their own seperate paces, an example would be one quits after trying aerospike and nuclear power missiles, the other decides to go pick up where the other did not make any progress. I already know which is which between the two countries. Russia might be behind China and the U.S. for not having their own starship equivalent project, or they just either dont have the finances, or it can be an insult to their intelligence when the Chinese have got their feet wet just a little bit on space rockets to now compete by making similiar designs to the U.S. like starship, but not to your projects which range from closed circuit engines, fly wing recoverable rockets, nuclear powered ion thrusters, detonation engines, aerospike engines, nuclear weapons of different examples, etc which require more creativity that the Chinese will have a hard time copying.

I read the articles and this is my take on it.

Article in 2021: the thrust results are too low therefore we cant make these kinds of engines work. These are based on results of NASA and the Chinese

Me after reading that article: Yeah no shit, even the document I just started on this thread already states that Leonov's group already knows that what NASA has achieved with thrusts as being too slow along with chinas results, while they said theirs is better and believe the Chinese will make theirs better. This is what I mean on my 1st paragraph as in I dont know the progress each country has made.

The current problem between Leonovs Group and Roscosmos is just me quoting the articles that I already posted.

Leonovs group issue with Roscosmos

V. L.: Our engineers, as well as officials, unfortunately, do not yet know the nature of gravity and antigravity, what are relativistic and quantum pulses, what is their difference from the classical force pulse. It's not their fault – that's how they were taught. But officials make decisions. And our task is to convince them of the need to develop quantum engines for space at the state level. It should be noted that new technologies, in addition to military use, give a huge commercial effect. The profit for the state will be huge. Thus, the low-orbital cellular network we offer will give $ 200 billion, providing reliable communication throughout the country and the planet. To do this, we need relay satellites that can be kept in low orbits with the help of small quantum motors when powered by solar panels.

Something is already being done. In December 2016, the work schedule and the ToR "Development and bench tests of an experimental sample of a pulsed antigravity quantum engine (KVD)" were agreed. The toR was agreed and signed by the FSUE Khrunichev Federal Scientific and Production Center, the Maximov Research Institute of Space Systems with the assistance of the Board of the Military-Industrial Commission under the Government of the Russian Federation. However, funding for agreed topics has not been opened for an unknown reason. Moreover, Roscosmos begins to abandon this work, focusing on the so-called tsar-engine, which in fact is a modernization of the old RD-180 with a specific thrust force of 0.655 N / kW. This is 175 times worse than that of a prototype quantum engine (115 N/kW). Such trampling on the spot leads to a loss of time and finances.

Professor Georgy Kostin, former director and deputy chief designer of the Voronezh Mechanical Plant (VMZ), where rocket engines are made, proposed to start work with the development of hybrid engines (LRD + KvD). In this embodiment, the electricity supply of the quantum engine is carried out from an electric generator installed on the same shaft with the pumping unit of the LPR. This will reduce the fuel consumption of the launch vehicle by three to four times, lighten its launch weight and increase the payload. Kostin's proposal was supported by the Director of VMZ and the General Director of RSC Energia. But someone didn't like it. Professor Kostin, Director of VMZ and General Director of RSC Energia, are dismissed from the VMZ.

Leonov's group also proposed a project of a heavy space platform with four KvD with a thrust of 100 tons each. Starting weight – 380 tons. The payload put into orbit of 500 kilometers is 180 tons. Fuel consumption – 25 tons (hydrogen – oxygen). But the project, even without discussion, was rejected, because, they say, Roscosmos is already working on a heavy rocket with a launch weight of three thousand tons and a payload of 105 tons. Compare these indicators and draw your own conclusions. There is a danger that we will forever lag behind the United States and China in this direction.

Roscosmos issue with Leonov's Group

To verify the effects claimed by the author, Roscosmos several years ago offered the inventor to provide experimental samples, the work of which could be tested in scientific laboratories.

"We give the RAS the question of the scientific or pseudoscientific nature of the theory, and on our part we would like to receive confirmation of those applied effects that the author declares, according to those methods that we consider reliable and which allow us to take into account the measurement error and external factors," the science adviser said.
To do this, the state corporation is ready to provide its experimental base if the developer brings a sample of equipment for testing.
However, the state corporation noted, Leonov has not responded to the proposal to test the equipment for several years. Questions of the amounts required for the tests were not discussed, the interlocutor of the agency explained.

My summary

to put this into layman terms think of the physicists as Electricians and the rocket engineers as HVAC technicians. HVAC technicians are required to have a little knowledge of electricity but not to extent that electricians do. Electricians may know what electrical trouble shooting HVAC technicians do but do not know anything about the kind of plumbing they do with copper or gas pipes. Its going to be a pain in the ass having different intellectuals in which a common trait shared is being condescending to people you think are intellectually inferior. Some people might think Nuklon is the most complex thing that aliens are working at Roscosmos, while it is in fact more simple because there are nuclear engineers that have a high level of knowledge in mass weight minautirization of nuclear engines, and the rocket engineers designing ion thrusters in which all they care about is the energy being drawn from the reactors to design their engines in which they do not need nuclear field knowledge like the nuclear engineers designing the spacecraft reactor. However a better chance of making the quantum engine work is being a master of two trades where just learning one of those trades is already a major pain in the ass.

Rocket engineers or chief designers from VMZ and Energomash praised Leonovs group, they even gave who those names were meaning that these PhD physicists are not just some crazy old coots. And they seem to be requesting funding for their designs (like a hybrid LPR/Quantum engine) From the looks of it, it seems that Roscosmos demands what could be for them to build engines as their checklist of approval which they might not even have funding for which is why they requested finance from Roscosmos in the 1st place or they do not have rocket engine knowledge to meet Roscosmos demands as you cant teach an old dog new tricks since they are just physicists. I could be wrong but this is what I think that problem is. I might have a bias as in anything is possible because as a teen I saw a black disk looking shape object even though far away had some erratic movements that didnt seem similiar to helicopters, drones or aircrafts and I wasnt on drugs or anything either when it took place once in my life.

Overall these were some responses from Russia defense net that I thought are worth sharing here.

Big Gazza

I'm an Engineer not a physicist, so I don't have a head for the math involved, but my personal views are that a reactionless drive system is the Holy Grail of propulsive technologies, the kind of tech that makes aspects of Star Trek a possibility. The fact that such a technology would seem to violate Newtons laws of physics in general (and the principle of conservation of momentum in particular) isn't IMHO a death sentence to the idea as we have other examples of where long held classical physics has been shown to be inadequate, given they breakdown at the very large scale (relativistic effects) or at the atomic level (quantum effects). Who is to say that classical "laws" of momentum are inviolable under certain conditions that don't occur in our every-day experience? Time is linear in our every-day world, but we now know it breaks down in the presence of singularities like black holes. Could other physical "laws" also have such "loop holes"?

The quantity that we call "mass" is now believed to be (at least by adherents of string theory) a measure of the degree by which a particle interacts with the all-pervading Higgs field. Particles that interact strongly (eg protons/neutrons) have large mass, while those that interact weakly (electrons) are less massive. Particles that don't interact at all (neutrinos) have zero mass. Particles with mass interact at distance with each other, but this force (gravity) is very weak and is only significant for large mass concentrations.

The question that interests me is whether it is possible to develop an artificial field that can interact with the omni-directional Higgs field such that a resultant force can be created? Stated differently, can a field be generated that interacts and distorts the local Higgs field such that the Higgs field exerts a non-uniform influence on massive particles in area of distortion? Could such a distortion impose a generalised force on massive particles and be therefore used to accelerate mass?

As an simple classical analogy, consider an object (spacecraft) suspended in a region of space with a near uniform magnetic field. If the object artificially generates a second magnetic field, the fields interact and a motive force will be generated. (this is indeed the basic principle of electric motors). The force results in an acceleration, therefore a change in momentum of the driven object, but classical physics takes account of this as the change in momentum (mass x velocity) is equaled by the impulse (force x time), and the increase of kinetic energy of the driven object is equaled by the energy pumped into the 2nd magnetic field. Classical laws are therefore observed.

This isn't practical for obvious reasons, but now consider that rather than magnetic fields, we invoke an "unspecified" field that we generate on the object that interacts with the Higgs field (or the fabric of free space, or Dark Energy, or whatever the feck physicists choose to call it) that permeates the entire Universe. Same (or similar) effect occurs, and we achieve a propulsive force, but this will work universally without limit.

The next question in my mind is if such a field interaction is possible, what is the nature of this interaction and where must the energy come from to drive the interaction? In the classical (magnetic) analogy, the object (spacecraft) must provide the energy itself, ie power its own magnetic coil to generate its field, but what if free-space is an energy source that can be tapped, in a similar way to how gravity can transfer energy to a passive body? Could the spacecraft develop a field that interacts with the Higgs field, distort it to generate a resultant force, and then be accelerated by the energy of free space in a similar way as an asteroid picks up energy as it enters the gravity well of a planet? Of course, with gravity, the energy gained by one body is extracted from another with the gravitational field acting as a "medium of exchange", so it is not a "reactionless" system, but what if free-space can be tapped to supply the energy? It is tantalizing to theorize that a vast ocean of limitless energy exists just outside of our perception and physical reach
Very Happy
Now consider if it could be tapped somehow?....

Physicists who worship classical laws will recoil from the heresy of such a reactionless drive system, but so what? Medieval scholars believed the world was flat. Renaissance scholars (and the Church) believed that the Earth was the center of the Solar system. Einstein went to his grave refusing to believe in quantum mechanics because "God doesn't roll dice...). Many physicists refused to accept the existence of the Higgs Boson until evidence was discovered by the LHC.

As our understanding of the basic nature of "stuff" expands, we may well discover that our current theories are insufficient to cover all cases, just as Newtonian physics has inadequate to explain relativity or quantum effects. Maybe in the future, humans will look back at the the past era before reactionless technologies the way we do now at the Age of Sail?
Very Happy

Final point: All things considered, I don't think that Mr Leonov has invented a reactionless drive system, and I'm certainly not convinced that some kind of tuned resonant microwave cavity is going to exert an influence on the fabric of space, but that doesn't debunk the concept.


Newton's laws are not violated if the propulsion operates on pushing off of space itself. Newton has nothing to say about this potential
movement regime. The problem is finding some sort of coupling with the quantum foam and the virtual particle sea. Zero point energy is
a crock concept since it gets something from nothing. But the virtual particle sea is "real" and that is why we have quantum corrections
to Maxwell's EM equations that give us quantum electro-dynamics (QED). If you scratch at the history of the QED there is a lot
of voodoo since we simply do not understand enough of the physics, but the quantum corrections are empirically justified.

Pushing off the virtual particle sea and potentially the quantum foam at the Planck scale does not violate conservation of energy just like
walking on the sidewalk does not either. Energy has to be expended to walk and to push off some "medium". This is not zero point
energy sci-fi fantasy.

Obviously, no particle and thus no object can push off the quantum foam and virtual particle sea under normal conditions. This is why
we have Newton's laws. But that does not preclude interactions where non-virtual particles couple with virtual ones. We already have
this with QED but it is not ordered since the EM corrections are from virtual particles enveloping any charged particle. We need to
discover new physics to determine if ordered interactions (i.e. pushing off with a vector force) are possible.

The problem is that special relativity (SR) has corrupted physics for over 100 years. The moronic ether-relativist battle form the
late 1800s gave us a political triumph of one of the factions. Both factions were ignorant, arrogant pinheads. If you doubt this,
then consider the "discovery" of the Lorentz equations. They are nothing more than a property of Maxwell's equations since these
equations remain invariant under the Lorentz transform. But even Einstein was trying to derive them from scratch without attribution
to either Maxwell or Lorentz. These "all time greats" were a bunch of wankers. Thanks to SR there is a phobia of treating space as a
medium. No it is not some flowing ether but it is a material entity. It has a volume and variation of the speed of light over long periods
(assume we had some sort of Big Bang even if we don't know much about it) gives the most consistent cosmology that does not require
voodoo such as "inflation" where the universe spontaneously expanded from almost nothing to mind numbing large scale. This is a
Ptolemaic epicycle hack if there ever was one.

In fact, curved space-time can be interpreted as a variation of the speed of light subject to gravity. And the cherry on top of the
physics established wisdom skeptic cake is the specific speed of light. Why this value and not some other value. A real physics question that
the SR cult cannot hope to answer. If we have a quantum foam at the Planck scale then that forces a discussion about a medium. The
quantum foam is the medium. BTW, the Poincare interpretation of the Lorentz transform is fully consistent with all empirical evidence.
It removes all the logical contradictions found in SR that are euphemistically called paradoxes. There is an absolute frame, the one where
the photons live and it is the one which has a speed of zero. All the other frames move and are Lorentz deformed. SR is subjectivist nonsense.

If space is a quantum foam at the Planck scale, then we have whole undiscovered realms smaller than the elementary particle scale. What
are elementary particles? The Standard Model is just a book keeping exercise. It does not explain where this particle zoo comes from. Are
these quantum modons emerging from the quantum space medium? Understanding the link between space and matter-energy that reside
in it is the all time physics question. Modern physics is too busy going through the motions of careerists and group-think cultists to even
begin to explore this question.

You asked about my take on the Chinese experiments. See reply #10.

My reply #5...
An extraordinary claim requires extraordinary proof. Wait and see. Not holding my breath, though.
... remains my position on the work of Leonov c.s.

I have some difficulty participating in discussions where opponents are called 'arrogant pinheads' and 'wankers'. Unless the subject is reality tv.
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"The Lord gave me the power to see what others cannot see. My brain enables me to penetrate into the secrets of the ultra-macroworld of quantised space-time. I simply see what takes place there. I then draw the observed physical models and calculate them. I have no rough copies. I have now reached a highly perfected state and all calculations are carried out immediately, accurately, with only a small number of errors. However, this required many years of training. I have never studied mathematics, I have only several books and the Encyclopaedia of Mathematics to which I refer only very seldom."

I've seen a video of his drive in action and it looks suspiciously like an unbalanced washing machine on wheels.
The turboencabulator joke is less wordy than Soviet cranks. Blame their novels. I kid! If a quantum anything is made, it will be a chip size Cox's timepiece or something.
It seems that the current logical approach would be evolving reactor-powered ion drives to at least be able to travel to points in our solar system quickly and in reasonable amounts of time. EM-type propulsion if feasible or possible would be human evolutionary technological steps similar to work being done for fusion reactors. Not unless there are Rosetta Stone-type breakthroughs these technologies will evolve the same as the car, computers, aircraft and current spacecraft, etc over periods of time. I would assume there are classified programs ongoing in various nations regarding these types of propulsion technologies and some may be close to maturity in say, maybe 10 years or so. I am an aerospace engineer but I do not work on space programs but I am highly interested in space and what is possible, this is just my point of view.
You asked about my take on the Chinese experiments. See reply #10.

My reply #5...
An extraordinary claim requires extraordinary proof. Wait and see. Not holding my breath, though.
... remains my position on the work of Leonov c.s.

I have some difficulty participating in discussions where opponents are called 'arrogant pinheads' and 'wankers'. Unless the subject is reality tv.
Any physicist who still thinks we live in a Newtonian universe and dismisses Special Relativity is a physicist who should not have gotten through uni.
I actually do hope now that there is no significant breakthrough, read another article where they gave 1000km/s speeds for a spacecraft. If a breakthrough is made than I would start calling the Physicist a crazy old coot, while whispering to his ears lets go somewhere private because his test results with energomesh engineers seem to have better results than tested by NASA and China. 110% sure that if they made this discovery they will start equipping nuclear warheads and won't even flinch pressing the nuke button out of necessity as an excuse to nuke another superpower before they get such technology. They released information of material that can withstand above 4000 Celsius(higher than avanguard or HTV-2) kinetic heat and may have acquired classified info of withstanding higher temperatures....but for the sake of the world I hope such a breakthrough never occurs
Err...another snake oil merchant?

If a reactionless drive was possible, it would either be barely detectable in operation as to be overcome by light pressure or so horrifically dangerous as to possibly explain certain supernovae like events we've witnessed in other galaxies.
Err...another snake oil merchant?

If a reactionless drive was possible, it would either be barely detectable in operation as to be overcome by light pressure or so horrifically dangerous as to possibly explain certain supernovae like events we've witnessed in other galaxies.
According to some it does not violate newton's laws and made better breakthroughs on thrust than the other 2 countries.
Joker in pack may be the 'teleparallel gravity' approach, aka 'twisted' space-time. IIRC, Einstein played with the notion, but lacked math tools to take it far enough. Now, there seem two main versions, both compliant with relativity, electromagnetism etc, both solving most of the big cosmology problems without need of dark matter, dark energy, MOND etc etc. Snag, IIRC, is each version hangs up on a different 'oops'.

Sorry, beyond a fascinating, but migraine-inducing article in 'New Scientist' a few weeks back, and a Wiki 'stub' with a toxic spill of 'Greek Alphabet Soup', I don't know where 'teleparallel' is at. Such as how to test and potentially falsify its variants...

But, just takes one crude equivalent of Hertzian resonant spark-gap and the flood-gates open...
There have been some other materials based articles on fast switching at very small scales. If layered somehow for a 'step-up' fashion...who knows? That might be the only way to reach down into that granularity to pull something out.
"...a fascinating, but migraine-inducing article in 'New Scientist' a few weeks back,"

Must have read it a dozen times now: Sorta makes sense while I'm reading it then, like a half-remembered dream, grok turns to mist and drifts away...

D'uh. time for some 'Occupational Therapy'...
Unpacked new B&D 'Workmate', a twin to one I've used for ~4 decades. (My second from ~Y2K got water damage in storage. :( )
You'd think, after so long, assembly diagrams would be more legible, rather than less. I suspect each 'helpful drawing' has been shrunk from clear format without 'Joined Up Thinking'. Had to up-end and study old model to resolve my 'WTF ??'
Still nigh-impossible to drive handles' spring pins as described.

Oh, and 'new-improved' top has fewer 'dog holes' !!!
Does this relate to Mach's equations on inertia?

Does this theory more closely match Loop Quantum Gravity or the varieties of String Theory (M-Theory)?

Do this use Cassimir forces?
Does this relate to Mach's equations on inertia?

Does this theory more closely match Loop Quantum Gravity or the varieties of String Theory (M-Theory)?

Do this use Cassimir forces?
1. Mach did not know the quantum theory of gravity, which is set out in my monograph:
Leonov V. S., (2010). Quantum Energetics. Volume 1. Theory of Superunification. Cambridge International Science Publishing, 2010, 745 p. – Book: ResearchGate, Submitted on September 2021, PDF https://www.researchgate.net/publication/354340919.

2. I saved loop gravity and string theory from stagnation.

3. Casimir forces are caused by a decrease in the quantum density of quantons in a solid. They are directed along the line of decreasing quantum density and act at short distances. These are the forces of short-range action. NASA is trying to tame Casimir's forces to create a warp drive. This is a useless undertaking.

Read more:
E-preprint: ResearchGate. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Leonov-Vladimir/research

Happy New Year
Does this relate to Mach's equations on inertia?

Does this theory more closely match Loop Quantum Gravity or the varieties of String Theory (M-Theory)?

Do this use Cassimir forces?
1. Mach did not know the quantum theory of gravity, which is set out in my monograph:
Leonov V. S., (2010). Quantum Energetics. Volume 1. Theory of Superunification. Cambridge International Science Publishing, 2010, 745 p. – Book: ResearchGate, Submitted on September 2021, PDF https://www.researchgate.net/publication/354340919.

2. I saved loop gravity and string theory from stagnation.

3. Casimir forces are caused by a decrease in the quantum density of quantons in a solid. They are directed along the line of decreasing quantum density and act at short distances. These are the forces of short-range action. NASA is trying to tame Casimir's forces to create a warp drive. This is a useless undertaking.

Read more:
E-preprint: ResearchGate. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Leonov-Vladimir/research

Happy New Year
1. Mach's equations contain indications of a possibility to decouple inertia from acceleration.

2. That is quite a claim! Have you corresponded with Dr Penrose?

3. I have long suspected this.

Thank you for your reply and have a happy new year.
спасибо и с новым годом
We'll know the Chinese 'drive' works when their space-station suddenly swooshes out of orbit...
Does this relate to Mach's equations on inertia?

Does this theory more closely match Loop Quantum Gravity or the varieties of String Theory (M-Theory)?

Do this use Cassimir forces?
1. Mach did not know the quantum theory of gravity, which is set out in my monograph:
Leonov V. S., (2010). Quantum Energetics. Volume 1. Theory of Superunification. Cambridge International Science Publishing, 2010, 745 p. – Book: ResearchGate, Submitted on September 2021, PDF https://www.researchgate.net/publication/354340919.

2. I saved loop gravity and string theory from stagnation.

3. Casimir forces are caused by a decrease in the quantum density of quantons in a solid. They are directed along the line of decreasing quantum density and act at short distances. These are the forces of short-range action. NASA is trying to tame Casimir's forces to create a warp drive. This is a useless undertaking.

Read more:
E-preprint: ResearchGate. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Leonov-Vladimir/research

Happy New Year
1. Mach's equations contain indications of a possibility to decouple inertia from acceleration.

2. That is quite a claim! Have you corresponded with Dr Penrose?

3. I have long suspected this.

Thank you for your reply and have a happy new year.
спасибо и с новым годом

Propulsion based on Mach's theory is being researched:

"In 1872, Austrian physicist Ernst Mach made a conjecture that these forces of inertia result from the gravity of objects in the distant universe. This became known as the controversial Mach's principle. While most experts have now dismissed it, Woodward and Fearn think the idea is simply misunderstood and have built their impulse engine based on it."



The military has been researching "Anti-Gravity" for many years now:

"In fact, the U.S. military and the federal government have been formally researching these radical concepts since the 1950s, and according to our own research, those efforts have continued on to this very day."


I am Vladimir Leonov. Can you ask me a question?

Hi, thank you for the opportunity. You are a brave man to offer such an invitation on this forum!
An earlier post noted that "What is Leonov's superunification theory? As a result of the interaction of magnetic, electromagnetic, gravitational fields, a force is born, which is called antigravity. It's about creating an activator that will allow you to bend space and interact with electric, magnetic, gravitational fields, extracting energy from them. Physicist Vladimir Leonov has been working on this theory for 20 years, and has now put his findings into practice."
It is well known that General Relativity is fundamentally a theory of geometry. It is also well known that the classical equations of electromagnetism and Relativity bear a strong resemblance to each other. Kaluza-Klein and derivative theories seek to exploit this but have never made good, for example standard Kaluza-Klein predicts a scalar force/particle which has been experimentally looked for and found not to be there. Quantum theory is no help here either; the zero-point fields of QFT serve ontologically only as a coathanger, a postulated backdrop for Maxwell's classical equations to do the real physics. And of course the graviton has no concrete home in the maths at all, just a few speculative ideas sloshing around.
Anti-gravity must curve spacetime in the opposite way to conventional gravity (if you seek quantum iconography then you are postulating a new fundamental particle, an anti-graviton). Something like this may be happening on the grandest scale, as the Universe is busy blowing itself apart ever-faster.
What peer-reviewed and reputably published mathematical foundation can you offer us, to underpin your reversal of spacetime curvature on a minor local scale, genuinely predict experimental results, and thus convince us that your work has real meat to it?
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Well, it's about a year since that mostly-comprehensible NS article on 'Teleparallel Gravity', but things have been very quiet on TG front...

I keep googlin', all I find are tubs, nay, VLCCs of 'Greek Alphabet Soup'...

Upside, I recently got yet-another Workmate tool-bench to 'pair up' to tackle a lonnng 'spanning work-top'. This time, those exasperating pegs went into the handles / winder stems without a problem. The difference ? I did not try to hammer them in per ~50 yrs of 'tried & tested' assembly instructions. Instead, I attached a big G-clamp and just neatly, precisely, easily wound them home...
2. That is quite a claim! Have you corresponded with Dr Penrose?
Dear Zen, I don't know your real name, but I apologize that I didn't answer your question quickly. The situation in the world has not changed for the better. I am a theoretical physicist, experimenter and pacifist. I work not for the sake of money, but for the sake of an idea to make our world better and kinder. It is terrible if the world will perish in the struggle for the last barrel of oil. We must not allow this.
I don't know Professor Penrose but I know his work in cosmology well.
I have written a new book on cosmology and I am giving the link:

Leonov Vladimir. Big Bang: The Universe Before and After. Part 1. New Quantum Paradigm. – E-Book, Amazon Kindle Edition, 2023, 201 pages. ISBN: 9798850854294, link: https://a.co/d/hQadmZC, https://www.researchgate.net/publication/372232246

In this book, I show the energy source of the Big Bang, compared to which nuclear and thermonuclear energies are negligible. Astrophysicists have called it dark energy. I have revealed the physical nature of dark energy and the Superforce. I showed that the dark energy gradient is a Superforce that causes galaxies to fly apart with acceleration along the radius from the center of the spherical Universe. Our Universe is a natural quantum warp engine. I used this principle when creating a quantum warp drive. I had a dream that a man would fly to Mars in 2010 in new spaceships with quantum warp drive. But everything didn't go according to plan. We now have 2023 and we are discussing the possibility or impossibility of creating a quantum engine. This is very bad.

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