Publishers in English speaking countries


The worst is yet to come!
9 May 2009
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Perhaps an unusual question, but since there are many authors among the forum members, I hope some might be able to help me.
The German Motorbuch Verlag has published my book on tilt-rotor and tiltwing aircraft last October but does not seem to be overly interested to sell it abroad.
Does anyone know publishing houses in the UK or the USA I could approach which are specialized on such topics?
Thanks a lot!

Are we looking forward to an English edition of that title?
@Overscan: Thanks, will try that!
@amsci: Well, I do hope there will be an English edition of my book one day. But as I said, my German publisher has not done much to find an English speaking publisher, yet.
That´s why I am starting to look for one myself. ;-)
i'm going to go out on a limb and suggest AIAA...
As a person who works in the publishing business, I woud recommend a careful look at any publishing contracts. I believe Schiffer is currently working with Rolf Michaelis, author of Das SS-Fallschirmjaeger-Bataillon 500/600 (ISBN 3-930849-35-6).


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