Prototypes expérimentaux Dassault 1960-1980


ACCESS: Top Secret
8 May 2006
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Not sure that there will be a lot of new in this book. And if we don't live in Paris difficult to know that before to order it.

I presume that there could be (the questions are what is exactly "experimental" and if only military planes are studied ?) :

-late prototypes of Mirage III/5/50 (like the C2 and the Milan)

-late prototypes of Mirage IV

-Engines testbed Mirage III T

-VTOL (Mirage III) Balzac

-VTOL Mirage IIIV 1 and 2

-some prototypes of Mirage F1 (ATAR 9)

-Mirage F1 E (M-53)

-Mirage F2

-maybe Mirage F3 (unfinished prototypes)

-Mirage G

-Mirage G8 01 and 02

-maybe Mirage G8A (unfinished prototype)

-maybe some models (like some Cavalier) ?

-Jaguar M

-some prototypes of Alpha-Jet

-some prototypes of Super-Etendard

-early prototypes of Mirage 2000

-Mirage 4000

-Something on Falcon or Mercure or other civilian planes or spaceplanes or missiles ? (the author seems to write usually more on military than on civilian)

If the author stays in 1960-80 strictly : no Rafale, Mirage III NG / 50 M or EX.
Remember that Histoire & Collections already has a book telling the part of this story that has to do with VTOL aircraft. I bought it when it was affordable (current prices are a joke) and it's pretty good, though I still wish they had made an English-language edition.
Yes, and it's the same author.

I presume that the H&C part will be inside the new ETAI book.
Amazon-France says that it will be out the end of this coming June. I am quite tempted to order through them.
The other books by Hervé Beaumont look also very interesting!! B) I should order "Avions nucléaires français" (but 58 Euros....)
athpilot said:
The other books by Hervé Beaumont look also very interesting!! B) I should order "Avions nucléaires français" (but 58 Euros....)
I understand. The ETAI books are "heavy" (and not cheap...) :-\
Deltafan said:
athpilot said:
The other books by Hervé Beaumont look also very interesting!! B) I should order "Avions nucléaires français" (but 58 Euros....)
I understand. The ETAI books are "heavy" (and not cheap...) :-\

Oh yes. The wishlist is always long - the money always short...
It's available since the 06.06.2018 :

Only :

-Balzac V
-Mirage III T
-Mirage III V 01
-Mirage III V 02
-Mirage III Milan
-Mirage F2
-Mirage G
-Mirage G8 01
-Mirage G8 02
-Mirage 4000
After a first flipping through the book I have to say just two words: Highly recommended :) !
Purchased a copy at List price plus postage through ABEBooks (the sellers affiliated with Amazon had outrageous prices and "Free Shipping" - I still saved US$40 going this way). I agree with the above reviews, a most excellent book. My only (small) complaint is no three-views of the different aircraft but that's minor and can be dealt with. If you have the Modelsvit Mirage IIIV kits, this has lots of information to allow you to detail to your heart's desire. This book also contains the most information I have found anywhere on the Mirage IIIT.
For a $130.00, with shipping, I think I'll save my money. It does look like a great book, though.
Hmm, with shipping it "only" ran me $75. I did a lot of very careful shopping.
Wizard of Acquisitions: Would you please share your shopping kung-fu with us?

Many thanks : )
*laughs* Nothing special, just the patience and determination to dig through a number of sites to find the best deal. It can be a bit of drudgery, but finding the best deal is worth it.

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