Proposed Weapon Class Destroyer Rebuilds

M. A. Rozon

ACCESS: Confidential
17 February 2007
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Having searched the board and not having found anything, I now pose the following question: I have read about a proposed modernization for the Weapon Class destroyers (Broadsword, Battleaxe, Crossbow and Scorpion). The modernization was not carried through as it was assessed as a lot of effort for not enough gain. Instead, the four ships were converted into radar picket ships.

Does anyone have any information on what shape the proposed modernization would take?

I've searched my references and other files on hand without results. Perhaps someone on the board has an answer.

Thanks in advance.
The Weapons seem to have had an odd career, several times upgrades were proposed but never carried out.

The 1949 Fleet Plan included 4 modernised Weapons to lead A/S Support Groups with an AIO and a second automatic plot but the Ca-class were modernised instead.

Then in 1954 they were 3rd choice to refit for the FADE role, but they were never really contenders and 4 Battles were refitted instead.
The Weapons got the Type 965 but no interception facilities nor height-finding radar so were classified 'third-rate'.

The Weapons were to receive Limbo but this seems to have impossible with Type 965 (topweight/growth margin I suppose) but Scorpion kept her prototype Limbo.

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