Proof we germans can be funny...

Orionblamblam said:
Never understood why the Germans don't simply tell the Greeks "pay your bills or we foreclose."

Or at least ban Germans from vacationing in Greece.

Greece is already German holiday home, next to Spain Iberian peninsula and Portugal canary islands, why you think Germany buy them out ?
The moment Angela Merkel grow a mustache, that for Greece the sign foreclosure is coming...
Michel Van said:
Orionblamblam said:
Never understood why the Germans don't simply tell the Greeks "pay your bills or we foreclose."

Or at least ban Germans from vacationing in Greece.

Greece is already German holiday home,

That's the point. If you threaten to stop Germans from vacationing in Greece, from going there, spending money and then going home, you are threatening to do some serious financial damage to Greece. And unlike a lot of the complex financial shenanigans that are popular between nations, this sort of thing would be instantly obvious to the Greek in the street.

Of course, if Germans are a major source of tourism income for Greece, other nationalities will tae advantages of the lowered prices, so the hit won't be entirely catastrophic, but it should be noticable.

And *that* would be funny: pointing out how much Greece *wants* a German invasion.


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