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This thread was moved to the Military section on a suggestion, which I fully second.
Prince Philipp was an officer, nearly for all of his his life, so remembrance of him may
be better suited here, than in the Bar.
From the BBC's gun salute link:
Posted at 12:0912:09

Royal Navy ships fire at sea​

BBCCopyright: BBC
Royal Navy ships at sea have fired the salute in honour of the duke, who served as a naval officer during World War Two and held the office of Lord High Admiral.
HMS Diamond is off the south coast, having left Portsmouth yesterday and HMS Montrose is in the Gulf.
We will be getting pictures back from sea soon but here's the scene at HMNB Portsmouth.
(Accompanying image glitched when I was posting)
He was a man of dignity and service, humble and able to support the Queen in her duties without being reduced in and of himself. He seemed to always have a grin on him, a product no doubt of his wicked sense of humour. I liked that he was unafraid of controversy when he need to say something. My thoughts go to his family and more than that, to the woman who was his wife for a lot of years through good and bad times. RIP, duty served Sir.
Rest in peace ! It's unbelievable, how long do they live in that family. I remember the Queen Mum passing away in 2002, aged 101 and counting.
My late father was born in 1925 and lived through the reigns of three Kings and one Queen. I was born in 1995 and grew up with the Queen and Prince Phillip almost as familar as my own family.
The Prince gave up his career which might well have led him to become First Sealord. But he threw himself into issues which have become even more relevant today. The Duke of Edinburgh's Award scheme has been adopted in various forms in over 135 countries offering young people a range of activities designed to develop them as people. The Duke helped establish the World Wildlife Fund. His interest in engineering (often unaporeciated by the British ruling class) started in the Navy and continued throught his life.
What the Media dismissed as gaffes were mainly caused by the Duke's desire to put people at their ease and treat everyone the same without fear or favour. He learnt as a naval officer how to take a joke but also to mix easily with his crew.
The Queen lost her beloved father too soon and has modeled herself on her mother's hard work and sense of duty.
While our politicians fumbled and lost the public's trust, the Queen found the words to give people hope.
For Scotland, even if a Referendum votes for independence, she will continue as Head of State living in Holyrood and Balmoral.
With a large and unpredictable neighbour to the South, Canadians were reassured to have the Queen as their Head of State.
The Queen will throw berself into her work. For us Brits we can only thank her and wish her well.
Operation Forth Bridge (the contingency plan for Prince Phillip's funeral arrangements) is well under way:

In other news:

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The Duke of Edinburgh's coffin will be transported in a ceremonial procession to his funeral on a Land Rover he helped to design.

It is a fitting tribute to Philip, who was known for his practical skills and his enduring interest in design and engineering.

The purpose-built Land Rover was specially modified to carry a coffin in a project that the Duke helped with many years ago.

The vehicle will process slowly through the grounds of Windsor Castle ahead of the duke's funeral on Saturday at St George's Chapel.

A bearer party from the Grenadier Guards will place the coffin on the Land Rover at the state entrance of the castle, before the vehicle begins the eight-minute journey at walking pace to the west steps of the chapel.

It will be flanked by pall bearers reflecting the duke's special relationships with the military - the Royal Marines, Regiments, Corps and Air Stations.

Immediately behind the Land Rover, the Prince of Wales and other members of the royal family, likely to be the duke's other children and some of his grandchildren, will proceed on foot.

The Land Rover's poignant role in the funeral proceedings always formed part of Operation Forth Bridge - the codename given to the plans following Philip's death.

A senior Palace official said: 'The Duke of Edinburgh had a hand many years ago in the design of these vehicles.' The official added that there were two Land Rovers for 'belt and braces'.
Let's not forget that he was a keen pilot too, including rotary winged, and occasionally flew the Royal Flight Wessexes.
Actually most of the Royals since the 1930s have learnt to fly at some stage or other in their service careers.

For those complaining about the loss of a bit of TV, Operation London Bridge will be even more intrusive to public broadcasting.
Woe betide anything that causes Eastenders or Masterchef to be cancelled or postponed, even sporting events that run over incur the wrath of the people (a couple of years back the BBC had the Six Nations Rugby Union on the TV all afternoon and evening and people kicked off as Eastenders was delayed). On the flip side, at the least BBC can feel relieved that they still have enough viewers who actually watch BBC1 and BBC2 to make complaints.
I have one 'problem' with the coverage. We are not all Royalist or Nationalist in and of ourselves, we need to allow for that fact. There was little reason for all Beeb channels to show the same coverage at the same time, more than a little pretentious of the Beeb. More of a 'You WILL watch this' which is overbearing for some/many.

Personally speaking, I learned some things that I did not know or had forgot and the coverage put the MAN into perspective. I think this perspective was the goal rather than in institutioanl mandate but honestly they did not need to do what they did. Another demonstration that the Beeb do not understand the people who pay for them to exist.
I didn't knew he was a space nerd ! Where was he, when Black Arrow was canned ?
(nah, just kidding, he had no power over this).
On a side note, from 2016:


With respect a lot of “less than ideal” comments (some intended seriously, others clearly intended as jokes) made during a very long life, examples in below;

More info on perspective/ agenda of the “new daily compass” article:



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