Possible Ebola case investigated in UK (The Daily Telegraph)

Oh goodie! Monekypox failed to produce the same results as the Commie Cough. But maybe Ebola will be a winner. Lockdowns forever!

Do you believe the emergence of Monkeypox in Western countries was a failed attempt to create 'a second plandemic' and a failed attempt by 'governing elites' to lock-up their citizens for the rest of eternity, or am I drawing the wrong conclusions from your intellectual comment?
Oh goodie! Monekypox failed to produce the same results as the Commie Cough. But maybe Ebola will be a winner. Lockdowns forever!

Do you believe the emergence of Monkeypox in Western countries was a failed attempt to create 'a second plandemic' and a failed attempt by 'governing elites' to lock-up their citizens for the rest of eternity, or am I drawing the wrong conclusions from your intellectual comment?

Monkeypox, to probably 99.999% certainty, emerged not because of some devious scheme, but because a lot of people are morons who not only are incapable of basic self control but are actively *opposed* to exercising self control. However, as with the Pinko Pox, the emergence of such a disease provided a *fantastic* opportunity for those in power who want to *exercise* power.

Monkeypox was never any kind of threat to *anybody* except for morons and a very small number of people in close proximity to morons. And yet there was an exorbitant shrieking in the media and by the political class about it. "Never let a crisis go to waste."

Ebola is somewhat similar. It's a horrific disease with a very high mortality rate, but dealing with it is actually pretty simple: quarantine those with symptoms and *brief* controls of interntational travel between developed nations. It burns out *fast.* Unless some amazing new strain comes along, eternal lockdowns as the Wu Flu gave us are entirely unwarranted.

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