Popular Mechanics


ACCESS: Top Secret
22 May 2023
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When I was growing up Popular Mechanics was held up as this bastion of American scientific journalism that in the 50's and 60's had great cultural acclaim, sitting alongside others such as New Scientist and Nature as an equal heavyweight. But whenever I read any of their articles on line its sensationalist trash journalism that doesnt understand its own subject matter and reeks of click bait. Was it always like that or did it just go downhill in recent years?
When I was growing up Popular Mechanics was held up as this bastion of American scientific journalism that in the 50's and 60's had great cultural acclaim, sitting alongside others such as New Scientist and Nature as an equal heavyweight. But whenever I read any of their articles on line its sensationalist trash journalism that doesnt understand its own subject matter and reeks of click bait. Was it always like that or did it just go downhill in recent years?
It is simply the difference between journalism and propaganda, one informs and the other educates.

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