Planes deploying chaff videos?


ACCESS: Top Secret
11 January 2011
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What it says in the title. Does anyone have links to videos where (any) planes are deploying chaff countermeasures? The more clear the moment of chaff usage the better.

For some reason I am not successful when I try to Google it...
Not a video, but a photo:

Thanks. It's really astonishing that there's (next to) zero videos of chaff being deployed. After all, chaff used by aircraft is something that's been around for almost 80 years now.
Probably because chaff deployment lacks that certain...frisson of excitement.


Plus the possibilities for setting the airfield grass on fire.

Thanks. It's really astonishing that there's (next to) zero videos of chaff being deployed. After all, chaff used by aircraft is something that's been around for almost 80 years now.

Because you can't see jack unless the sunlight hits it at the right angle. Chaff strips are cut to the same size as the wavelength of the radars they intend to confuse if I'm not mistaken and they aren't exactly large.

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