Plan Z -Le fantasme naval allemand from pascal colombier by caraktère


I really should change my personal text
8 October 2017
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I got my copy of the book today and I must that it's the best wrok I've seen on the subjective in french litterature. The book is 255 page long and analyse the plan Z in detail. It also talk about the conception of the Deutschland ,have 3d of 11 ship such as the H39 ,the H44 ,the graf zeppelin or the spahkreuzer and also talk about the submarine concerned by the plan Z
Any chance an English language version in the offing?
Does this book have any references?
Could it be a "compilation" of various previous publications, or contains some new findings from the Bundesarchiv/Marinearchiv?

Too often summed up in an improbable shipbuilding program decreed by Hitler, Plan Z nevertheless has origins prior to III. Reich and will know many strategic and technical evolutions before the Nazi dictator is really interested. The fact remains that Plan Z will structure the Kriegsmarine during the 1930s, giving it the strengths and weaknesses that will be its own on the eve of the Second World War. Why has Germany embarked on such an ambitious and expensive program? How, with what human, industrial and technical resources? And for what purpose, for the benefit of what naval strategy? What was the Plan Z fleet supposed to look like and what was finally achieved?

In this fascinating work, Pascal Colombier answers all these questions, finally offering in French a comprehensive history accessible to all. The first part looks at the context and the different factors that pushed the Germans to develop this program. The second studies the evolution of the many technical and strategic choices that such a plan imposed. Finally, a last part details all the classes of buildings envisaged: Type H battleship, Type O, M and P cruisers, aircraft carriers, U-Boote , etc.

The whole is richly illustrated with period photographs and numerous plans and 3D views of the most emblematic planned ships of the impractical Plan Z.
the book isn't a compilation of previous work by caraktère on the plan Z, it's completely new ,it's much more detailed than the LOS! n°3 or the n°23 wich talked about the Schlachshiff H39 to 44 (the book deal with the H40 to H44 in much more detail and even give 3d view and drawing for the H44that weren't in previous work) ,also more detailed on the other plan Z variant and I do like that have made a chapter wich talk more in detail about the plan Z related submarine
A very interesting book. I've just paid for it and I hope to find some interesting information inside.
it also have 11 ship in 3D view and the part on the H39 is much more complex and detailed than the one in the LOS! 3 or 23 and a chapter also talk about the zerstörer and spähkreuzer related to Z plan
it also have 11 ship in 3D view and the part on the H39 is much more complex and detailed than the one in the LOS! 3 or 23 and a chapter also talk about the zerstörer and spähkreuzer related to Z plan
Do you know which Zerstorer specifically? I also assume the Spahkreuzer only includes Spahkreuzer 38 and perhaps 40 but not 39 as per usual.
zerstörer typ 1937 to 1938, the Späkreuzer ,the "barbara" programm ,the zerstörer typ 1945 ,the torpedoboote and the mine layer (not sure about the english spelling,sorry)
zerstörer typ 1937 to 1938, the Späkreuzer ,the "barbara" programm ,the zerstörer typ 1945 ,the torpedoboote and the mine layer (not sure about the english spelling,sorry)
You appear to have it right. Types 1937J/I-IV, Type 1938A (and 1938A/Ac and Ad), Type 1938B.
The real question is if it covers Spahkreuzer 39 or just 38 and 40.
Torpedoboote? How about Flottentorpedoboote? And which kinds? Type 1941? 41A? 44? How about Type 1942 Flottentorpedoboote?
keep in mind that I haven't read the book yet (I'm still in calum douglas excellent book "the secret horsepower race") ,it cover the Spahkreuzer 39 ,38 and 1940 ,and it talk about the typ 41 and 44+some what if idea with the modernise H44 per example

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