Pilotless SB2C Helldiver?


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29 July 2019
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As some are aware, my Dad was chief test pilot for Fleetwings and he tested their pilotless bombers as discussed in this thread:

Amongst his many photos I came across these:
Remote Control Hdwr Pic1.jpg Remote Control Hdwr Pic2.jpg Remote Control Hdwr Pic3.jpg Remote Control Hdwr Pic4.jpg Remote Control Hdwr Pic5.jpg
I'm thinking the "SP2C" is a misprint on the photographer/editors part.

Dad did spend about 39 hours testing a SB2C-3 (Navy 19357) on loan from Eastern Aircraft Division of GM (Trenton,NJ) from June 1944 to May 1945. I thought it was for comparison purposes for the XBTK-1 dive bomber Fleetwings was developing at the time.

Also with the above pics were the following instrumentation pics:

Remote Control Hdwr Pic6.jpg Remote Control Hdwr Pic7.jpg Remote Control Hdwr Pic8.jpg Remote Control Hdwr Pic9.jpg Remote Control Hdwr Pic10.jpg Remote Control Hdwr Pic11.jpg
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