piaggio p.112 p.113 p.114 or projected variants of p108b


ACCESS: Top Secret
14 October 2007
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Piaggio P.112 was a variant of P108 with Piaggio P.XXII engines.
(from http://www.csd.uwo.ca/Elevon/gustin_military/db/ital/P112PIAG.html)
Piaggio P.113 an other variant of P108 with poweful engines ( no more detail)
Piaggio P.114 was version idro of Piaggio P.112 : little curiosity, there was a proposal build first eight prototypes of Piaggio 108 B like Piaggio P.114 ( idro - version) ( from " Aerei nella Storia" of August 2008 , article about Piaggio 133 project).
Piaggio P.112 and P.114 from Aerofan


  • piaggio 112.jpg
    piaggio 112.jpg
    74 KB · Views: 774
Hi red admiral,

do you have also technical data for this two projects?

Servus Maveric
Aerofan N. 64.
Actuallly Aerei Nella Storia (Nico Sgarlato...) got it wrong. The P.114 was submitted to the 1938 Floatplane Long Range Bomber competition, that ended in nothing. The Piaggio proposal contained the provision, in case of victory, of using the first P.108 prototypes as P.114 prototypes. The P.112 was the actual Piaggio proposal for the 1938 Long Range Bomber competition, but was cancelled because it was a practical copy of the already in-building phase P.108 with more powerful engines (Piaggio P.XXI RC.40) that were in very early phase of development.
Lastly, the P.113 had nothing to do with the P.50/P.108 series: it a was a single engine recon floatplane submitted to the 1938 competition for a shipborne recon (with the two-engined P.109). Both were refused.
searching on other forums , signing a little note about engines :
Piaggio P XV - 1700 hp
Piaggio PXXII - 1800 hp
(from http://forum.axishistory.com/viewtopic.php?f=69&t=19788)
red admiral said:
Piaggio P.112 and P.114 from Aerofan

I've published the 114 in the "Artwork" section before stumbling upon this post. So I added also the "sister ship" P.112 to match the original image on Aerofan.


  • Piaggio 112.png
    Piaggio 112.png
    276.2 KB · Views: 378
  • piaggio114.png
    256.9 KB · Views: 366
On ...


" Ai 24 P.108 bis serie VI, ribattezzati P.113, furono assegnate le MM da 26248 a 26271." then Piaggio P.113 could be the official designation of P-108 bis Serie VI .

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