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Being able to track something is the first requirement to be able to intercept it. IAMD opens up the aperture significantly and basically transforms the PATRIOT to a local air defense system to one that is a composite of multiple disparate sensors and shooters. Between THAAD, MSE, and the IFPC interceptors there are several really good options to go after some of these threats. Throw in SM-6, and future LT interceptor to the mix as well.

Yes that's currently the case. The current PATRIOT radar cannot realize the entire kinematic capability of the PAC-3 MSE. For Cruise Missile defense, your keep out distance is essentially limited to your ability to track these weapons during cruise using third party ground based or elevated sensors. IAMD has already demonstrated some long range shots made possible by IBCS and forward deployed Sentinels. With IFCN you can now have your launchers positioned to make use of that as opposed to having them bunched up. When the Army fields the SM-6 it will need this connectivity and the integrated fire control network to make use of that weapon to go after threats not in the PATRIOT or LTAMDS radar FOV.

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