Pangeos Terayacht

No worries, I get to mention Tubul, Jerakeen, Berilia and Great T'Phon again :cool:
Wow - just imagine 60,000 simultaneous cases of Norovirus! Heave, ho!
The one in the thumbnail above,

Premiered Nov 10, 2022 The Pangeos is an itinerant floating city, comprising various hotels, shopping centers, parks, ship and aircraft ports, and all other facilities needed to house up to 60,000 guests.The terayacht takes its name from Pangea, the supercontinent that existed millions of years ago during the late Paleozoic and early Mesozoic eras.Pangeos extends its length for 550 meters (1,800 ft) and measures 610 meters (2,000 ft) at its widest point — the wings.

One word: NOROVIRUS.

Hey, just think of how high human race can climb once it is cleansed of the burden of immunocompromised and disabled people like me.
The future is bright!
The future is pretty!
The future is healthy!
The future is a technological wonderland!
The future is pure!
:) ... :oops:
Hey, just think of how high human race can climb once it is cleansed of the burden of immunocompromised and disabled people like me.
With genetic engineering and such, I'd imagine that might only be another decade or two. Of course, at the same time you'll have A-holes working to make things *worse* with weaponized genetic diseases...
Its like the worst possible design of a boat, forward swept arms with the water pooling around the 'shoulders' with nowhere to go. Its like someone saw a photo of a dead turtle and didnt realises the arms could move while swimming. For Christ sakes its wider than it is long!
Its like the worst possible design of a boat, forward swept arms with the water pooling around the 'shoulders' with nowhere to go.
Is that a certainty which you have documented?
If not, might want to look at the bows on illustration toward intersection of mid and bottom thirds of page here,

Anyway ...

At the other end of the scale, the design studio has a 6 meter catamaran,

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But, yes, even boat lovers raise some legitimate questions about the thing, this may not represent that directly,
In terms of propulsion, Pangeos would use 9 HTS electric motors generating 16,800 horsepower each to get her moving at a cruising speed of 5 knots. HTS stands for 'high temperature superconducting' and involves using a liquid nitrogen cooling system. Right on. It would also draw power from the waves themselves and a solar panel array on the outer 'shell.' In theory, Pangeos would be both self-sufficient and emissions free.
Given the size of Pangeos it's seems reasonable that her stop speed would only be 5 knots.

Imagine the momentum energy of something with that much mass when moving even at 5 knots.

What the heck brought this absurdity back to the fore? We had another thread about it earlier today:

And one two years ago:

I don't think people understand what "design studios" like these are. They are not serious naval architecture firms or aircraft designers. They're stylists, basically graphic designers who make 3-d models of stuff that mostly doesn't work. At best, they're like car designers who make clay models of cars, not the engineers that make the actual working automobiles.

From the same people :

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What the heck brought this absurdity back to the fore? We had another thread about it earlier today:
Ah, missed seeing that there was that thread.
Even missed seeing that there is the forum section heading it is in!
As to the "What did?" - the referenced video was posted today.
this absurdity
Or is it actually that absurd? Or even absurd at all?
Let's time travel back to 1869 when the story "The Brick Moon" was published by Edward Everett Hale.
And look at how absurd the following might have seemed to to citizenry of the time.

In "the Brick Moon" a manmade structure is launched to orbit and humans live aboard; consumable supplies are sent up to them (with some launches not arriving successfully); observers aboard the structure/satellite send down weather and geographical observations to scientists on Earth's surface. And, "It the experiment were succesful, three more moons would be launched"

Is that not here in the 2000s pretty much the parallel of the documented history of a whole series of space stations?

While in the story it is a group of American entrepreneurs who launch the station & here in history it has so far been governments who launched space stations, has there not been some testing of space station components made by entrepreneurs such as Bigelow?

This floating habitat thing may seem absurd today, but at least some components and elements of the idea could well be documented history at a future date.

If nothing else, it shows that people a thinking, that people are dreaming dreams.

And that is what, at least part of, what gives rise to the things and the doings of the future.

(information source, book 'Space Stations, published 2018 by Smithsonian Books with Elephant Book Company Ltd)
Apart from some consumer electronics, one of the more realistic, err, things, on offer from Lazzarini is a $150,000 1960s Fiat 500 with a 200 hp Yamaha R1 motorcycle engine.

Designer porn, mostly. Next?
Fiction and Architecture is full with concepts of floating Cities

Jule Verne propellor island was one of first, although in fiction.

it took to 1920/30s first proposal for floating airport came
located in middle of Atlantic it would serve air traffic between USA Europe
the long range aircraft killed that idea

it took to end of 1950s to end 1970s that the idea resurface
special in Japan that needed living space
allot of those concepts were concrete floating Cities
special Architect Kisho Kurokawa and Kiyonori Kikutake were obsessed with this idea.
in USA Buckmister Fuller also prosed floating Cities, even one that float in the Air ! (Cloud Nine)
(there were other concepts like Seacity or Tokyo bay Expansion but those are pile dwelling)

So why they never build one ?
let say its combination of conservatism, cost and will to build it.

Conservatism: try to convince a narrow-minded bureaucrat, a floating City is THE solution to Nation problems...
Cost: those cities are very expensive billon dollar projects
Will: narrow-minded politician will focus near time election, not long time project of floating City,
special during economic crisis like in 1973 !

The closes thing to floating city we will have is part Saudi Arabia NEOM project Oxagon harbour.
but this could end als pile dwelling do cost...
Ah, missed seeing that there was that thread.
Even missed seeing that there is the forum section heading it is in!
As to the "What did?" - the referenced video was posted today.

So was the one that prompted the other thread. Seems odd that two separate videos about a 2-year old "project" dropped on the same day. Seems fairly deliberate.
The Saudis are building the Oxagon.

If you ignore the silly name and unnecessary geometric shape the design pops out; it's a normal port city with a big offshore breakwater, within which someone has plopped down a lot of floating buildings - a high tech version of old Hong Kong's floating villages; or a new version of those 70s proposals for a floating city in Tokyo Bay.

In theory, this permits great flexibility of design and future urban planning and re-planning - you can rearrange the floating buildings and such as the city grows or needs change or whatever. In practice it sounds like a nightmare (like old Hong Kong's crime-ridden unsanitary boat people slums) and a ridiculous idea outside of very specific circumstances (and that's assuming you can get the idea to scale, which sounds like a big if). The idea seems to look a bit better if you were developing some mid-Pacific atoll, like the US Navy did when it built a vast network of fleet bases across the central pacific during world war 2 to service the Pacific fleet - you could in theory mass produce the modules in Japan and Korea and China and just ship them off to Eniwetok or any number of atolls.

As for open ocean cities - well, honestly, the mid-oceans are overflowing with uninhabitable and uninhabited islands. Just develop one of those. Heck, a desalination plant and a good dredger will turn many springless, fresh-waterless rocks and hazardous shoals into first-class real estate, as the Chinese, Vietnamese, and others have demonstrated in the South China Sea. No need for the darn thing to float.



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Is that a certainty which you have documented?
If not, might want to look at the bows on illustration toward intersection of mid and bottom thirds of page here,

Yes, they show that the arms are below the waterline their entire length (ok not the tips) with 3x15m draught engines on each side and a 30m draught in the centre. With nowhere for the water to go its going to pool higher than sea level until the pressure allows it to be forced under the boat, meaning increased water resistance. Its not designed like a catamaran to ride up out of the water as its maximum speed is 5 knots. In addition if you are still unsure that the arms are clear of the water they have said it will have wave energy converters in the arms to generate electricity from the waves breaking against it to provide the ships motive power.


download (1).jpg
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Fundamental difficulty with these kinds of hare-brained ideas. Sooner or later you have to dry dock it for survey and maintenance.

Yes, the whole thing. You can't detach bits and do it that way. That's not how it works.

Where do you do it? And what do you do with 60,000 semi-permanent 'guests' (plus a comparable number of service workers, mostly from low-income counties) during that time?
The Jules Verne story was serialised in Look and Learn magazine when I was a kid.
The island is intended as a cruise ship for millionaires to visit places like the Caribbean.
A folley worthy of Musk or Trump except that they can play with real countries and don't need an island .
Inevitably all rich people's hobbies filter down to the rest of us, so now anyone can live in a floating city .
The “thing span”’would prevent it from traversing canals near the equator (Suez or Panama) forcing it to sail round Cape Horn or the Cape of Good Hope when it wants to visit a new ocean.
How many rich people would enjoy the long turbulent passage around Tierra de Fuego?
It makes Norm Nixon’s Freedom ship look bland…that and the JMOB…I could see the latter made of a combination of pontoons with Jack-up rig legs…float out, stand up…subs enter between the pontoons now filled with other things…Stromberg style.

A new Mulberry.
The “thing span”’would prevent it from traversing canals near the equator (Suez or Panama) forcing it to sail round Cape Horn or the Cape of Good Hope when it wants to visit a new ocean.
How many rich people would enjoy the long turbulent passage around Tierra de Fuego?
nevermind all the bending moments the waves would generate down there...

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