Pakistan air strikes on Iran, January 2024

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12 February 2017
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What the f*ck ??!!!
Okay Iran... okay. This country is playing havoc with the entire region - even beyond the usual Middleast clusterfuck: all the way from Israel to Pakistan to Somalia !
The way things go, sooner rather than later there will be a global, anti-Iran coalition with such players as Pakistan, India, and a few others. Iran is really playing with fire is a rather suicidal way.
When Iraq was invaded some said Iran was just impossible: too vast, too populated for either Israel or USA to tackle. Sure dude, but how about throwing in the lot Pakistan and India ? with populations of 1.5 billion and 300 million respectively ? They could gather enough soldiers to curbstomp and occupy Iran... (don't take this too seriously. I'm just baffled by that Iranian giant clusterfuck).
Sure dude, but how about throwing in the lot Pakistan and India ? with populations of 1.5 billion and 300 million respectively ?
Hmmm... India 1.427 billion, Pakistan 241.49 million.

Add in possibly more Sunni Muslin Arab nations (Iran is Shia Muslim, and just hit targets in Syria) - and maybe something can be done.
I learned recently that the USA population is larger than Pakistan. Blew my mind.
This thread to discuss whereabouts of 2024 Pakistan Air Strikes in Iran:

I am curious to know what planes were used: F-16, Mirage or J-10?

Rumor has it combined package of JF-17/F-16 with Wingloong 2 or TB2 and A-100 MLRS playing secondary role. Take it with a mountain of salt since it came from one of the Pakistanis defense twitters.
What the f*ck ??!!!
Okay Iran... okay. This country is playing havoc with the entire region - even beyond the usual Middleast clusterfuck: all the way from Israel to Pakistan to Somalia !
The way things go, sooner rather than later there will be a global, anti-Iran coalition with such players as Pakistan, India, and a few others. Iran is really playing with fire is a rather suicidal way.
When Iraq was invaded some said Iran was just impossible: too vast, too populated for either Israel or USA to tackle. Sure dude, but how about throwing in the lot Pakistan and India ? with populations of 1.5 billion and 300 million respectively ? They could gather enough soldiers to curbstomp and occupy Iran... (don't take this too seriously. I'm just baffled by that Iranian giant clusterfuck).

Pakistan AND india!?,yeah...NO!

I know these 2 are now both western mean "allies"...,but I certainly dont see them ever agreeing to work together militarily,way too much bad blood and unresolved issues there,like kashmir for instance.

The sad thing about this situation vis-a-vis baluchistan is that like so many of the conflicts currently underway it was completely avoidable,however it seems that no one could be bothered to put in the requisite political effort required to avoid the military options,sad really.

Despite the wests rather biased view Iran very rarely ever acts "rashly",indeed if you knew anything about recent events in the region you would understand why these strikes took place.
On dec 15th you had 11 security personnel killed in a terrorist attack launched by jaish al adl from their safe havens in pakistani baluchistan.This has been going on for literally decades and despite repeated attempts by iran to get the pakistanis to clean up the area nothing has been done.There was some hope of a possible solution when imran khan and irans pres rouhani agreed to create an iran-pakistan rapid reaction force,but with the removal of khans government and its replacement with a more....shall we say...."western friendly" regime that iniative appears to be dead.
You had the worst terrorist attack in the history of the iri on the 3rd jan 2024,with 94 killed and 284 injured,isis claimed responsibility for this.
On the 25th of dec you had a high ranking irgc general killed in syria by an israeli airstrike.
Once you realise all of this it starts to look a lot less like a so called....."giant clusterfuck".

Now I guess we`ll just have to wait and see if theres going to be iranian retaliation for the pakistani retaliation.I imagine that will depend on pakistan.
I was half-joking. No way in Hell Pakistan and India creates a coalition to curbstomp Iran.

My point was that, if Iran carry on behaving like the "World Most Irritating Dickhead Nation With North Korea" - at some point or another some major / regional powers may grow fed up - and decide to kick the Mullah ugly butts, once and for all. Time for a regime change !

It is just like that Simpsons episode were Nelson "Aaa-Haaaa" Muntz end very humiliated: after he provocated the giant man in the minuscule car. Ooops !
I learned recently that the USA population is larger than Pakistan. Blew my mind.

US population is the third in the world, ahead the likes of Brazil, Russia, and Indonesia. It is only 1/4 that of China’s or India’s.
I believe the ultra religious contingent in Iran is the issue and that they basically do as they please.

Their actors are merely contract soldiers but I smell a coalition at work here. Looking at the bigger picture tells me there are several groups out to break the bank of the western states.

Just look at their actions and the financial impacts..........
Rumor has it combined package of JF-17/F-16 with Wingloong 2 or TB2 and A-100 MLRS playing secondary role. Take it with a mountain of salt since it came from one of the Pakistanis defense twitters.

Read from another source that J-10CP provided escort for the JF-17 strike package.
Oh boy...

Iran leaders become more and more international problem,
And this time they could get more problems, as they can handle.

- Intern issue with opposition and uprise against fanatic rule over Iran.
- provide weapons to Russia in War with Ukraine,
- a Cold War with Saudi Arabia about who dominate the islamic world ?
- Support of Terrorist organisation in middle East in Libanon, Syria, Palestine, Iraq, Yemen etc.
- "Diplomatic personell" that murder Iranian opposition in Europa and USA,
- Arrest of foreigners in Iran, to blackmail Nations, like Belgium to release Iranian Killer !
- Attacking or Pirating Ships and Ol tankers in international waters
And now bombing neighbour states Syria, Iraq, Pakistan

how was that Chinese curse ?
May you life in interesting times...
I really don’t know what Iran’s calculus is, if any. But Pakistan seems like the wrong country to piss off. They have had historically cordial relations. Pakistan is militarily the most powerful country in the Muslim world, they could give Iran a bloody nose and a lot of people would cheer them for it.
I really don’t know what Iran’s calculus is, if any. But Pakistan seems like the wrong country to piss off. They have had historically cordial relations. Pakistan is militarily the most powerful country in the Muslim world, they could give Iran a bloody nose and a lot of people would cheer them for it.

- Intern issue with opposition and uprise against fanatic rule over Iran.
- provide weapons to Russia in War with Ukraine,
- a Cold War with Saudi Arabia about who dominate the islamic world ?
- Support of Terrorist organisation in middle East in Libanon, Syria, Palestine, Iraq, Yemen etc.
- "Diplomatic personell" that murder Iranian opposition in Europa and USA,
- Arrest of foreigners in Iran, to blackmail Nations, like Belgium to release Iranian Killer !
- Attacking or Pirating Ships and Ol tankers in international waters
And now bombing neighbour states Syria, Iraq, Pakistan

ALL these people, indeed: that's quite a long list of potential ennemies. Longer than even Nixon own ennemy list LMAO. Or John McLane's by the third Die Hard movie.
This news leaves me on my ass !!!
Just a few days ago, the Iranian and Pakistani navies carried out a joint exercise !
I was half-joking. No way in Hell Pakistan and India creates a coalition to curbstomp Iran.

My point was that, if Iran carry on behaving like the "World Most Irritating Dickhead Nation With North Korea" - at some point or another some major / regional powers may grow fed up - and decide to kick the Mullah ugly butts, once and for all. Time for a regime change !

It is just like that Simpsons episode were Nelson "Aaa-Haaaa" Muntz end very humiliated: after he provocated the giant man in the minuscule car. Ooops !
Lay off the neo-con Kool-Aid will ya?
Iran probably figured that Pakistan would quietly thank then for taking a potshot at Baluchi separatists, who are a problem for both governments. They just seriously miscalculated the nationalist aspect.
Iran probably figured that Pakistan would quietly thank then for taking a potshot at Baluchi separatists, who are a problem for both governments. They just seriously miscalculated the nationalist aspect.
Yes, with a little more organization, this could have become a fruitful Iran/Pakistan military cooperation.
It's all a bit hasty.
@TomS : Probably coming from the same sharpshooter that saw an F-22 landing in Teheran as Flight AUI752!

Please guys, let's focus on the details of the strike.
No it was monumentally stupid to not tip off Pakistan if that was the case. I think more likely the different branches of the Iranian security service are acting independently of each other. With the current widening conflict in the region I don’t see this as just a misunderstanding. Pakistan recalled their ambassador over this.
Pakistan's military described using “killer drones, rockets, loitering munitions and standoff weapons” in the attack. Standoff weapons are missiles fired from aircraft at a distance — likely meaning Pakistan's fighter jets didn't enter Iranian airspace.
There's also complex geopolitical considerations in the tensions. Pakistan's military relies on U.S., Chinese and French fighter jets for its air force — meaning some of those foreign weapons were used in Thursday's attack.

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Iran probably figured that Pakistan would quietly thank then for taking a potshot at Baluchi separatists, who are a problem for both governments. They just seriously miscalculated the nationalist aspect.
Or they had good intel about someone/something there that they judged was worth the risk of angering the Pakistanis.
There will be no escalation,they are close neighbors
There will be no escalation,they are close neighbors
I hope so.
Otherwise it seems that the Pakistani air strike was carried out using drones.
Iran’s Foreign Ministry said it “condemns the unbalanced and unacceptable action of Pakistan in the drone attack on non-Iranian citizens in a village on the border wall of the two countries”.
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