Orionblamblam's interview on SpaceShow


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1 April 2006
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Previously we could see his cats, his knee, left hand and murky image mirroring in Plexiglas covering YF120 nozzle.
All we know about him for sure is that he has beard.
But now - now we can heard him! Behold!

Thanks for the info! Only listened to the first part, dealing with aircraft.

Scott's explanations are very interesting, and it's nice to hear more about his background too.

However, I must say the radio interviewer is extremely boring! Not only does he sound like the archetypal nerd, but never in my whole life did I ever hear a program that took so long to get started (10 minutes of announcements before any substantial stuff gets discussed!). Quite honestly if I hadn't been in great anticipation of the show's special guest I would have turned it off quickly!

I guess the folks that go for that kind of show are total space freaks who don't really care that the guy sounds professional or not, but as a long-time interviewer for various fanzines and as a person who had my own small, non-professional live radio show for 6 months (a long time ago in another life...) I was always very critical of myself, listening to the shows afterwards and trying to improve... That is why I can't help noticing how terribly annoying it is when this guy speaks and am surprised that he doesn't himself strive to become a little more captivating for his audience! Also, an interviewer doesn't ask such long questions followed by five-minute answers... He ought to fragment it that so that he can intervene a little more often...

Anyway, despite these annoying aspects, Scott's interventions more than make up for it and definitely make it worth the while, so go and listen to it! ;)
Stargazer2006 said:
Thanks for the info! Only listened to the first part, dealing with aircraft.
Anyway, despite these annoying aspects, Scott's interventions more than make up for it and definitely make it worth the while, so go and listen to it! ;)

I fully agree is a pleasure listen Scott's tales... :)
It was fascinating to hear the actual voice of someone you've only communicated with on forums, blogs, and email for more than a decade. Interesting and informative.

And I agree with Stargazer -- the host could put pretty much anyone to sleep. Thankfully he let Scott do most of the talking.
flateric said:
All we know about him for sure is that he has beard.

Only if you assume that the few hints I've dropped are truthful, and that the photos you've seen that you think are of me actually are of me.

As a wise man once said: Everybody lies.
George Allegrezza said:
he let Scott do most of the talking.

Having never been interviewed before, I was in dread as to how I'd handle it... I figured there'd be an Obama-level mass of "umms," monosyllabic answers and a whole lot of dead air. Worked out better than I expected, though I haven't listened to the recording of it myself yet. I understand that he did have to edit out a fair deal of dead air... I sometimes took a while answering questions. My constant thought was "What do I say here that *won't* get me sued?"
that was a fascinating interview, despite the "Belgium" Telephone line
interesting to hear actually Lowther voice, if you know him from Blog Forum with apple Audio read ;D

and the anecdote, like Major Aerospace Manufacture begging for a Document that they shredder, While a USAF General wants This to build by them... ;D
You got visit simultaneous by FBI and AFOSI ?

that a new story for me !
Orionblamblam said:
Having never been interviewed before, I was in dread as to how I'd handle it... I figured there'd be an Obama-level mass of "umms," monosyllabic answers and a whole lot of dead air. Worked out better than I expected, though I haven't listened to the recording of it myself yet. I understand that he did have to edit out a fair deal of dead air... I sometimes took a while answering questions. My constant thought was "What do I say here that *won't* get me sued?"

In my opinion, you sounded fine. He must have done a lot of editing because I didn't detect much dead air at all. He did ask you a couple of odd questions where it obviously took you a second to formulate a response, e.g., what was the first bomber.
Orionblamblam said:
George Allegrezza said:
he let Scott do most of the talking.
I understand that he did have to edit out a fair deal of dead air... I sometimes took a while answering questions. My constant thought was "What do I say here that *won't* get me sued?"

Even without that they usually edit out 30-70% of what they record. If the editing is competent you should come across as clear and insightful.
George Allegrezza said:
He must have done a lot of editing because I didn't detect much dead air at all.

I finally listened to the interview last night. Probably the first time I've heard my own voice in recorded form in... what? 20 years? Anyway, I did notice a fair amount of audio dropoff on my end, either my phone having miniature strokes or, just as likely, small movements of the microphone causing big changes in audio quality.

I did also notice some dead-air edits and some minor cases of sentences getting snipped a word or two short, but from the sounds of it that was due to the audio just plain fading out. Fortunately I don't think he had to do much editing of explosively inappropriate expletives.
Now that you have fame, you can expect fortune to follow (old Hollywood proverb).
You know, you'd *think* so. But... guess what has happened to my sales since the interview. Go on, guess.

Heck, the total number of views of the APR web page and blog are both *down* since the interview.

Sure, it's only been a few days, but this, to me, is a not unexpected result. I have gotten some meager press in the past - a mention on a website or an article somewhere - and the usual response is for page hits and business to actually *decrease.* I remain at a bit of a loss. You'd think that even if I did monstrously poorly on the interview - got all flustered, say, and my blood sugar went bonkers and I spent half the interview ranting and raving incoherently - people would drop by the site just to see the wackiness.

Oh, well.
You should have interjected your "Solomonesque" solution to the Senkakus dilemna if you wanted page hits...
Well, "Don't deny it: you recognize my idea as Solomonesque in its unassailable wisdom" made my day anyway. haha

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