Online source for US Amtraks

uk 75

ACCESS: Above Top Secret
Senior Member
27 September 2006
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I found this online version of the old Osprey book on US Amtracs as I was looking for the images of the
candidates for the LVTP7 replacement which feature at the end.

Does anyone have more information on the candidate projects shown?
Kind of a pirated copy of the whole book. Seems a bit uncool -- I really doubt Osprey gave permission
There's actually still an issue with the same title, writem by the same authors available from Osprey,
so I think it's better not post this link here.
I take the point, but the issue that is online has been out of print for years and
is completely different from the new edition. It is also the only source I know of
with the pictures I mentioned.
Osprey make a pretty good profit out of their stuff so I am not over guilty. I have for one
bought their books for years
Which project are you referring to? The LVTX [LVT(X)]?
Apologies to the Moderator. Copyright is of course a valid point.

Hoping this is not a dodgy link, but it does cover some aspects of the LVT (X).

The annoying this is that the illustrations in the first two editions of the Osprey book,
there is an earlier one to the one pirated online, show different models of the design.

One day I will find my photocopies

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