Olympics Opening Ceremony Helicopter

uk 75

ACCESS: Above Top Secret
Senior Member
27 September 2006
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I was waiting for someone to mention this one, but I may have missed it, so here goes. The use of an Agusta Westland helicopter (albeit not identified as such in the footage) to deliver 007 and "EIIR" to the Olympic site was a nice bit of product placement... Well, at least the filmmakers didnt take the lazy way out and use a hired Jet Ranger or other US type..

UK 75
uk 75 said:
Well, at least the filmmakers didnt take the lazy way out and use a hired Jet Ranger or other US type..

Given what's being going on in and around the Olympics, there would have been a metaphorical bloodbath if they had done that.
I think he was mentioning an example of a random US helicopter. My understanding is that the opening ceremony was a celebration of all that is British, so using anAW139 (sort of UK product) makes sense.
The helicopter was liveried in what appeared to be AW colours / logo so presumably, they supplied it and [one hopes] FOC.
I think the camera ship was a Ecureuil. if I recall correctly from the Youtube footage I saw, so that could be the "Jet Ranger".


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