Old Small USSR aircraft - not Kalinin K-1

Romantic Technofreak

ACCESS: Restricted
26 May 2007
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Hi all,

I made the following request on the Historic Aviation Forum of key.aero, but in kept on being unanswered, although people there are able aircraft recognizers. So I ask you here for help.

While everybody contemporarily watches events in Ukraine, nearly 100 years ago aircraft construction started there. One of the creators was Konstantin Kalinin, who later fell victim to Stalin's purges. The quoted article


tells about his work, but the aircraft in the picture on top is not mentioned in it, as much I can extract. It is NOT Kalinin's K-1 (remark changed, as Secret Projects members surely know what I mean).

It must be a very early light USSR aircraft and very probably connected with the Kiev Polytechnic Institute, where Kalinin was working.

If one of you could tell me the correct designation, I would be very glad!

Thank you, and best regards,


  • 1925-k1.jpg
    83.5 KB · Views: 34
Thank you Flateric!

Regards, RT
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