Oh dear, not again....


ACCESS: Top Secret
14 November 2009
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NK would appear to have staged another nuclear test -

I wonder; what will this bring? I suspect they hope it'll bring more aid but will it? China doesn't approve and I can't imagine anyone else does but what [realistically] can be done? BTW. that's not a negative 'Ooooooh whatever can we do' type of comment - it's more a 'well, what CAN we do' type of thing.

shedofdread said:
NK would appear to have staged another nuclear test -

I wonder; what will this bring?
Apparently, a massive cut to our own nuclear capability... that'll show 'em. http://www.defensenews.com/article/20130211/DEFREG02/302110007/Report-Obama-Propose-Deep-Nuclear-Arms-Cuts?odyssey=tab|topnews|text|FRONTPAGE
2IDSGT said:
shedofdread said:
NK would appear to have staged another nuclear test -

I wonder; what will this bring?
Apparently, a massive cut to our own nuclear capability... that'll show 'em. http://www.defensenews.com/article/20130211/DEFREG02/302110007/Report-Obama-Propose-Deep-Nuclear-Arms-Cuts?odyssey=tab|topnews|text|FRONTPAGE
And maybe Japan and South Korea seriously comtemplating their own arsenal. Do we think with the current crop of DC politicians those countries feel 'safe' under our rapidly dimishing nuclear umbrella?
Not to drive traffic to my thread but there is a "Nuclear Weapons News" topic in the Bar already where this would fit nicely, just saying.

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