NUM (Nuova Unità Maggiore)


ACCESS: Top Secret
18 October 2007
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After the launch and commissioning of Garibaldi (C551) the Italian Navy started to look about a second (and even bigger) aircraft carrier.
During 1990-94 timeframe, several projects were prepared and introduced to the Stato Maggiore of Italian Navy, one of the most promising was the Design dubbed Project 156.

Project 156 (156A and 160) described a hull long 200 meters, 34 meters of withd, weighting 18,000-20,000 tons, with (850 crews and 150 marines), other caractheristics were the SAAM-it con EMPAR e Aster 15 system, 3 cannons 76/62 as CIWS, SLAT e SCLAR defence systems, with an air group composed by 10/12 AV-8B and 6-8 EH-101. If realized such ship would be commissioned around 2000.

Unfortunately I didn't found better images, but from the ones I have enclosed it is possible to spot a closer resemblance to the SCS/Prince of Asturias/Chakri Neurebet design rather than the Vosper design exploited by the Garibaldi.

Such ship could be regarded as "conjunction ring" between the Garibaldi and the actual Cavour.

cavour-1996 (prog 156).jpg


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